Chapter 14: The Ice Demon..

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I'm...I'm At my limit...I-..I don't think I can..Fight anymore..

Kanae panted..

This Upper Moon has been rambling on and on about his twisted views, on how he intends to "save" her by letting her live "inside" him. He's been toying with her, he hasn't once even used his Blood Demon Art yet and he's been dodging any kind of attack Kanae threw at him, simply avoiding it by dashing away

It's obvious who had the advantage on speed and Kanae wasn't on that advantage. She was fast, sure, but it can't be compared to his speed. His fans were also sharp, too sharp, it's like a sword itself...

The Demon had caused quite a few Destruction all around. Though it wasn't large, a few houses were destroyed, but it was only at least 4 or 5 houses that were destroyed but it seemed everyone in the town had begun running away

She gripped her sword tightly, resisting the pain in her body..

He broke a few bones and even managed to land a few scratches on Kanae. It was only a matter of time since she would be dealt the finishing blow on her and soon devour her..

"Ah~! This conversation has been quite fun don't you think? I'm will have to end.." Doma opens his fan, it spreading wide as the tips of the fan had a glint, showing its sharpness..

Kanae stared at the fan, her eyes a little wide

She knew what this meant...She knew what was gonna happen...And she...Accepted her fate. After all, this was her choice to become a Demon Slayer, to help avenge her parents..


As she prepared for the final blow. Memories flashed in her mind, from first the happy then to sad memories. From her Birth to her possible end. From the Moment of her First Birthday to her Last One. From the Moment she joined the Demon Slayer Corps and her End in it soon.

The People she cherished the most appeared in her mind





All of their faces flashing in her head as Doma now began his charge at her, reeling his arm back to prepare to slash her using his fan..

And soon, He was near her...His Fan falling down towards her as he prepared for a powerful Slice to immobilise her..


Doma's eyes went wide for a moment as his attack itself was parried...

The Parry didn't come from the girl..

Doma, in a state of shock, now quickly leaps back again as to get a clear view of the new Slayer..

His Hair and Haori waved as the wind flew. His eyes blankly stared at the Demon In front of him. His eyes making contact with the Demon's own Colorful Rainbow eyes. His Crimson Red Blade shining brightly even in the dark sky like the sun itself was shining upon them both..

Doma's eyes went back from being wide in surprise to neutral again but had a hint of confusion "Oh?"

"Y-Y/N?" Kanae stuttered. She...Couldn't believe it. He was here now...

"Big Sister!" Shinobu quickly came from behind, engulfing Kanae in a hug "Are you okay?! What injuries do you have?!"

Kanae was still in a state of shock to even answer and she stared up at her friend who was in a staring contest with the Upper Moon

After a moment...Y/N spoke..

"You did well in holding out, I'm proud.." He turned his head slightly to look at her "..Leave the rest to me now, please.."

'' Descendant '' [KNY/Demon Slayer x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now