Ice vs Fire

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"Sh-Shinobu—..!" Kanae quickly stopped as she was being pulled

"Wh-What's wrong, Sister?" Shinobu looked at her "..A-Are you bleeding anywhere else? Are you?! Oh no, I need to bring you to the-.."

"Shinobu..!" Kanae quickly interrupted her "..No, I-I'm fine..." She sighs "..I'm just telling you that..We can't leave, not right now.."

"Eh? Why?" Shinobu asked as she gently set Kanae beside her in a crouched position

"Y-Y/N..We-..We can't just leave him to fight alone, we-..we need to help him..!" Kanae now slowly stood up, limping backwards "..That is an Upper Moon he is fighting, he-..he can't fight alone.."

"B-But you aren't in a state to even fight, you probably have lots of broken or fractured bones and-..Wait, Sister!" Shinobu stood back up and ran towards Kanae as the Older Sister was now beginning to pick up some speed before going into a full sprint




Doma's Fan and Y/N's Blade clashed, one attack was launched and the other parried it, another was sent but the other would block it, the cycle went on and on, it was completely endless. Doma himself was confused and a bit shocked, this Slayer, the Hashira, was on par with him in terms of speed plus strength, in fact, as Doma quickened his attacks, Y/N adapted and matched his speed with his

It was all an endless cycle or blocking, countering, parrying, but the thing is, Y/N had suffered a few scratches and grazes, not too serious, but it was a hit either way. Doma hadn't been struck once yet and Y/N had a few scratches and grazes.

It seemed to Doma that despite how skillful Y/N was, he'd simply fall like all the others. So with this, Doma aimed to end the fight quickly, waiting for a moment on when Y/N would make an opening

The cycle repeats once more, though, the destruction was increasing. Doma's attacks were getting heavy and strong and the destruction of smaller houses around the two were increasing, in fact, Y/N was trying his best to try and lessen the damage caused by Doma, but the Demon's arrogance was increasing and Doma was starting to feel like that Y/N wouldn't be able to keep up

For five more minutes, the cycle and destruction was repeating...Until the Opening of what Doma hoped for came. In Y/N's attempt to lessen the destruction, Doma found an opening. A small grin was now on the Demon's lips and so he reeled his arm back

In a swift movement, Doma sent his fan towards Y/N, aiming to slice his neck open but Y/N had reacted quickly and as the Fan was inches away, the Slayer acts..

Fake Rainbow

The eyes of the Demon went wide as Y/N had dodged his fast slice with such quick reflexes and suddenly Doma turns around, looking up as Y/N was now behind him, sending his Crimson Red Colored Blade downwards

With barely any time to react, Doma leaned back but failed to fully dodge it as Y/N made a cut on Doma's torso

Doma leaps back with a feeling of pain. The Attack the Slayer sent was hot, really hot, and it was burning. This was probably the first time Doma did actually react to something painful.

But then, Doma looked at the cut on his torso, a small moment of silence passed before the Demon's eyes widened slowly..

My wound..the cut..It isn't healing? Doma thought, a small look of shock was on his face before it turned back to a neutral but puzzled expression

How is this possible?


Y/N gripped his sword tightly as he eyed Doma, the demon slowly looking up at him, their eyes locking. Both were getting ready for each other, waiting to see on who'd strike first..

'' Descendant '' [KNY/Demon Slayer x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now