Inherited Memories

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Y/N blinked slowly, looking around the environment...

All Y/N saw was lonely small house surrounded by a thick forest and behind the forest was pure bright white and nothing more. The Environment looked peaceful enough but Y/N was still confused..

He slowly went up to the small house and opened the sliding door, looking around the inside. The inside did somewhat resemble the indoor of his old house when he lived back in the mountains, except this one was just small and a bit cramped but also cozy..

The world around him would suddenly glitch, the world went from the bright sun shining outside to the Moon and the Night Sky above

Turning around, Y/N's eyes slowly widened as he saw a Man, his hair identical to his and his appearance almost reassembling his although a bit older, around Mid-20s to Mid-30s

This was the same man, the same swordsman he always saw in his dream..

It seemed he was looking at something. Turning around, Y/N went back to look at what the Man was staring but once he caught sight of it, his eyes widened again.

There Y/N saw the dead body of a woman, she was laying down face first and she was bleeding from her stomach, a pool of blood was around this woman's body but...What's disturbing the most is the fact that Y/N and most definitely the Man behind him, could also notice the dead unborn child in the Woman's body with both of their Abilities of the See-Through World

His Wife and Child... Y/N thought before he suddenly perks up, the body and world around him fading onto ashes..

It changed once again, only this time it was now in a thick bamboo forest and Y/N stood in a Path and around him were Bamboo Trees.

Looking up, Y/N could see the moon shining down and looking down, Y/N's feet were almost fully covered by a Fog. Turning around, Y/N took notice of...The Same Scene, The Standoff between The Swordsman and the Progenitor of Demons..

Just like how Y/N saw it in his dreams, the two Fighters fought with the Swordsman dodging the Demon's attacks. It played like how Y/N always saw it until it came to the point where the Swordsman unleashed his first move and attack, the attack that left the Progenitor of Demons speechless..

And like the dream Y/N always watched, the Swordsman says..

"What is the value of a life to you?"





Y/N blinks, the scene in front of changed and his surroundings changed also. He now found himself standing underneath the bright sun and the blue sky, birds were head chirping and the trees were waving and Y/N felt the smooth winds hit his face. Behind Y/N was a house that was quite similar to his family's old house back in the Mountains..

"Did you...see it?"

Y/N perked up hearing the voice, he looked around everywhere but he couldn't find where the voice came from until it spoke again

"I'm here."

Turning around back to the house, Y/N's eyes widened and there he saw...The Swordsman himself, sitting on the Platform of the House with a tea cup and kettle on his right side

"Please sit.." The Voice of the Swordsman was calming and Inviting, a sense of Humbleness radiated off from the Swordsman also.

Y/N only nodded before he walked up, now sitting on the Swordsman's left side, the two now face to face with the beautiful Green Scenery that faced the house

"Tea?" The Swordsman offered

"Uh, No Thank you.." Y/N clears his throat, shaking his head slowly

The Swordsman nods only before looking back up to look at the Scenery. After a Moment of silence, the Swordsman spoke "Did you see it all? My memories? The Events? Everything?"

"Yes, I did." Y/N simply answers

"I see.."

"Tell me...Why did you join the Demon Slayers? What is your reason of doing so? Other than slaying them all of course. Why did you join?" The Swordsman glances at Y/N, awaiting his answer

Y/N looked down first in thought, before he answers "..I only joined just so I could...Keep my family safe from harm, so I wouldn't have to worry about them dying at some point during the night...Not only that but-..but to keep others from getting harmed also. Each day, ever since I learned about the Existence of Demons, each day I worry about the fact that my Family could be next but if they are not...I think on the poor souls who fell victim to the Demons instead of my family.."

The Swordsman only nods, pondering on your answer before uttering two words only "I see.."

The Silence passed again..

The Winds hit the faces of the two, the leaves, the trees, and grass all waved and the birds chirped and tweeted. The world around was peaceful as the Sun would shine down

"...It's beautiful, isn't it? This world that we live in? Yet there are those that make it dark. Those that do not appreciate the life they have.."

The Swordsman says and he looks down "..And those are the same people-..same beings who crush the dreams of others, who crush the happiness of others.."

"..I always had the dream that I would've appreciated greatly, a dream of living in a small house with my wife and child. A house small enough where I could lay beside them and see their beloved face, where I could hold their hands.."

"..Yet, this dream of mine was crushed by these beings...Beings who do not understand the Value of their lives and the Value of a life.."

The Swordsman now turns to Y/N "You've heard this sentence countless times before...Y/N Kamado.."

"What is the Value of a Life to you?"

"You can take your time to answer.."

Y/N nodded slowly before he turned away from the swordsman, his eyes looking down as he pondered his answer..

Sighing slowly, Y/N lifts his head up and turns to The Swordsman, finally having an answer "..The Value of a Life to me is.."


(A/N: Just like how I did with the "give your own answer" to the Nezuko thing in the Earlier chapters, you guys can comment your own answers here also. Because after all, you guys are Y/N)

(I totally did not forget what I was supposed to say for Y/N's answer btw)

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