Chapter 8: The New Hashira's

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Y/N Kamado, Age 16



After slicing a few Bamboo's, I sheathe my blade and took a deep breath

2 Years have passed since my encounter with the Kocho Sisters, I received letters from Urokodaki a year ago saying that the Older Sister, Kanae, had passed even including her Sister, Shinobu, the letter included that the two were now fully fledge Demon Slayers but that was the last time I've ever gotten a Letter about them

Just A Month ago, Master Ubuyashiki had introduced us to a New Hashira named "Giyu Tomioka". I only heard of him in the letters Urokodaki sent me, I heard he was his new Tsuguko and was to be the new Water Hashira. Though when I met him he seemed Sad and I also noticed Guilt in his eyes when he was introduced as the new Water Hashira.

Sighing, I made my way outside as I slung my Haori on. My crow told me about my mission earlier when I woke up..He also was the reason I ended up waking so early just minutes before sunrise


I was now walking up a Mountain, following a Trail. The Mountain was said to hold a Demon that was at least Lower Moon Level, probably the reason why most Slayer's haven't come back here..

As I reached the top, I took my time to take one sniff then looking at the right as I smelled the trail of fear coming from there

I quickly turned and sprinted

"AHH! HELP!" A Demon Slayer screamed

I stopped in front of him before noticing his gaze was onto a...Arm

The Slayer now noticed me "A-A-Are y-you..A H-Hashira?" He asked, stuttering and still looking traumatized

I nodded "Yes, I came here as soon as I could."

"M-My Friend..H-He was dragged away.." He shook and pointed "..S-Something j-just.."

"Don't talk about it..I'll look for the Demon and you stay put, okay?"

He didn't say anything but nod

I now began sprinting to the smell of blood now stopping as I finally saw the demon

The Demon had sharp looking claws on it's hand that looked like it was able to slash a boulder, the Demon also had a bunch of body parts around it and it's eyes had the words of "Lower Moon 6"

"Oh?" It threw a finger into it's mouth and wiped some blood off it's mouth "Sent another one of you to die here?"

"..." I gripped the handle of my sword tightly, preparing to unsheathe it

"Oi! Are you gonna answer me or what? Is your tongue gone or something?" It scoffs "You know what, won't bother wasting my time.." It now took a stance "..I'll make sure to—"



I was now suddenly behind the Demon as it's head slowly fell from it's body then slowly disintegrating

Footsteps were suddenly heard behind as I looked behind me and saw the Kakushi running up

"Ka—Oh my.." A Kakushi would cover his mouth, looking horrified at the body parts spread

"There's another Slayer here, is he okay?"

The Kakushi cleared his throat "Y-Yes, we found him and got him out.."

"I see, thank you for coming then.." I began walking away

"Th-Thank you but..Master Ubuyashiki also requests for All Hashira's to come to his estate!"

"Okay." Was I said before sprinting away at high speeds


I was now making my way towards the Ubuyashiki Estate

"Oh! Well if it Isn't the Flamboyant Sun Hashira..!" A arm was suddenly around my shoulder as I turned my head up a bit and saw Tengen

"Oh, Hello.."

"Good Morning, have you already heard about a Potential Slayer joining our ranks?"

I shook my head "No."

"Ah, Well I heard about her. Said to have a really unique breathing style."

"I see..Then this meeting is probably about a new Hashira then.."

"I guess so."

Me and Tengen now stepped inside the Estate and made our way to the yard where Gyomei and Giyu were already waiting

"Good Morning, Kamado." Gyomei would bow

"Good Morning, Himejima.." I bow and turned to Giyu "..Tomioka." I bow to him also

Giyu would bow also and turn back, still remaining silent

The Doors were then heard sliding open and soon Ubuyashiki would step out and walk up front. We would quickly kneel

"Good Morning, Master Ubuyashiki." I greet

Ubuyashiki smiles and bows "Good Morning to you all my Children..A Beautiful Morning today isn't it?"

"Indeed, Master Ubuyashiki." Tengen replies

"Today...A new Child shall be joining the ranks of the Hashira's, Please you may come out now Kanae Kocho."

Footsteps were now heard from behind as I caught a glimpse of a Haori flapping beside me as the footsteps passed

I turned my head up slightly to look the figure and saw her, Kanae Kocho..

"Hello Everyone."


<Leaves for a "Few" Months
<Comes back and post a short chapter
<Leaves again for another "few" months

Anyways, Book is not discontinued

Oh btw, I'll be asking this Question..

Who do you prefer?

Kanae Kocho

Kanae Kocho

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Mitsuri Kanroji

Mitsuri Kanroji

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"Both is Good."

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