Chapter 10: Dreams of the Past

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A/N: Re-Written chapter 10

Every night...Every time I sleep...I always get the same dream..

Three People...Two of them are standing across from each other and one of them stands beside the other. One of them resembled...Me? The Man that looked like me had the same hair and mark while the other Man had curly dark hair and blood red eyes and beside him was a woman that looked like she was in her 30s or late 20s

In this dream, It focused on these two only. Even in a dream...I could tell that the Man in front of the Swordsman was Bad Luck, he was...overflowing with Violent Vitality and He closely resembled the Magma blowing out of a volcano..

The Man with Blood Red eyes opened his mouth and said "I am no longer interested in Warriors who could use breaths"

And right after that...He brandished his arms

The Attacks the man released were frighteningly fast and I could only watch as the Swordsman avoided each of those attacks. Every attack this man unleashed, I could feel that the slightest cut from those would kill me and I'm sure the Swordsman is feeling the same also

But...In just a second, the swordsman unleashed a Sword Technique which was able to beat the Red eyed man in just one strike...A sword technique that I've seen multiple times...A Technique that combines ALL the 13 Forms of Sun Breathing

A Technique that was made to kill this man...The Man that currently laid in front of the swordsman, the man that was currently holding his head to keep it intact

As the Swordsman looked down on the Man, He now spoke "What do you think lives are?" He asks


My eyes snap open and I now found myself staring at my own ceiling


I turned my head and noticed my Mother standing on the door, looking at me worriedly "M-Mother?" I was panting

She places the Basket down "What happened? Did you have a bad dream?" She crouched beside me, patting my back

"I-I guess you could say that.." I scratched my head "..What was that..?" He muttered

"Y.N, you should rest for a while.." She continued to pat me "..Perhaps your work as a Demon Hunter is.."

I cut her off "It's alright Mother.." I sighed "I promise you it isn't, I'm just...Tired..I stay up late most of the time.."

She sighed "I see.."

I scratched my nose. You know...I always wondered ever since I saw those dreams..."who did these earrings belong too?", was the earrings I'm wearing simply a replica of the swordsman's earrings or the same ones?


"Hm?" She looks up now

"Has...Father ever told you about these earrings?" I flicked said item as I stared blankly at the ground

She now cups her chin "The earrings...he never told me much about them other than that it's been with our family since the Sengoku Period, when a friend gave it to one of our ancestors.."

"Did he say anything about this man?"

She shook her head "Sadly no...Though, is there any reason you need to know?"

"No, I've just...been getting these dreams every night.." I sighed

"You must be tired, I figure that slaying monsters is a exhausting job..."

"It is.." A small chuckle came out of my mouth

"You should eat first then sleep, I'm sure Tanjiro and the others wouldn't like to see you tire yourself too much."

"I will." I looked around the estate "Where is Tanjiro and Nezuko by the way? I've only seen Rokuta and the others.."

"Oh I guess you haven't heard since Kanae recently visited here while you were out for a mission.."

"What did she say?"

"She wanted to invite you to her own estate and also wanted to invite Tanjiro but Nezuko wanted to come, so she did, and well...When they came back, they told me about a new 'friend' named Kanao."

"I see.."

"Well then you should eat now, You can't kill demons with an empty stomach."

And so I did...Moving myself towards my bedroom and finally drifting to sleep, all while still keeping the thoughts of how the swordsman was once involved in my family..


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