Chapter One

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The massive weight that I had been feeling for the last few months hiding my relationship with Charlie from my mom instantly evaporated when I felt her arms embrace me. Suddenly, I couldn't remember why I was nervous to tell her in the first place; it felt like anything was possible. We talk a little bit more but honestly I couldn't wait to talk to Charlie and tell him the news. Between the thirty seconds it takes me to get from the kitchen to my bedroom, I already have my phone out and have sent him a message.

Nick: Just came out to Mum! 

Charlie: OMG! What did she say?

Charlie: How are you?

Charlie: If it wasn't the conversation you hoped for, you don't have to come out to anyone else..

I pick up the phone and call Charlie before he allows his thoughts to take over.

"Hey! How'd it go? What did she say? If things went ---"

"Charlie!" I say, cutting him off. "It went amazing. Mum was so great. We chatted a bit and she mentioned she had thought there was something going on between us after my fight with Harry at the cinema."

"Maybe we were less subtle than we originally thought." Charlie says with a chuckle.

"Well I had never been in a fight before that, so yeah, probably a bit of a giveaway!" I say, laughing.

We talk for a bit longer and make plans to see each other tomorrow. I honestly don't remember a time that I felt this happy. I feel so much lighter in a sense. Charlie has flipped my whole universe upside down in the most amazing way and I'm not sure he'll ever truly understand the impact he has made in my life. My phone goes off and I see a message from Charlie.

Charlie: Goodnight boyfriend, see you tomorrow! xxx

"Boyfriend," I whisper to myself as my cheeks turn red. My new favorite word.


I send Nick a goodnight text, put down my phone to see Tori in the doorway sipping her lemonade through a straw. I may hear that noise more than I actually hear her speak come to think of it.

"JESUS TORI! How on Earth do --"

"I told you, older sister magic is powerful.", she says with a smirk. "Had a good day with Nick? You haven't stopped smiling since you walked in."

She's right, I haven't. I'm surprised my cheeks don't hurt. I've had quite possibly the best day of my entire life. Nick Nelson is my boyfriend and we're officially telling people.

"The best day, actually. He came out to his mom today. We're going to start telling people."

"Happy for you. Just remember I called it way before you even knew he liked you!" She says as she walks out of my room. I pick up my phone again and open my group chat with Elle, Tao & Issac.


Charlie: She was amazing

Charlie: He wants to start telling people about us
Charlie: I'M SCREAMING but also worried

I see the dots appear on my phone to indicate they are typing. As I wait for their replies, my head can't help but go to that dark place that is so familiar in my mind. What are people going to say about us? About Nick? Are they going to be accepting or will he go through the endless staring, whispers when he walks by, people saying terrible things? It's the last thing I would want for him and I worry he doesn't have the support system in terms of friends like I did. My phone starts going off.


Tao: Happy for you too. You still could do better than Nick.

Classic Tao. I laugh to myself. Like anyone could do better than Nick Nelson.

Isaac: I stopped reading my book to reply because I am truly thrilled for you!

Elle: Why are you worried? About what people might say about you guys?

Charlie: Not so much us; I've been dealing with it for a year now. More him. His friends are assholes. People are mean...

Tao: If he says he's ready, then you should trust that he's ready

Elle: Tao, you feeling okay over there? That was surprisingly supportive lol although I completely agree with you.

 Isaac: Think someone might have stolen Tao's phone for a response like that but I agree

I'm so wrapped up in my group chat and my own thoughts that I noticed I missed a message from Nick.

Nick: Boyfriend; Don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you call me that :) thank you truly for another favorite day. Goodnight xxx

Suddenly, at least for right now, I feel happy.

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