Chapter Seven

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How did this go from one of the most embarrassing moments in my life to the most romantic? Did Nick really just tell me that he loves me? Am I dreaming? Nick takes his forehead off of mine and scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah, probably too soon to say that, huh?" He says with an uncomfortable chuckle.
"Sorry! You just caught me off guard. After the day we just had and me having to tell you about all of that," I pause. "I love you too."

He looks at me and grabs both my hands.

"You... you do?" He asks hopefully.

I pull him into a kiss. I feel his hands on my back, wrapping me in his arms. I pull away and look at him with a smile.

"I do," I say. "I wanted to tell you yesterday, today even, but I didn't want to overwhelm you. You're life has been changing so much and I didn't know if blurting that out would be ideal."

He looks at me, still holding me in his arms, as he moves a piece of hair from my eyes.

"It would have been very ideal," he says with a chuckle. "And just so you know, my life has been changing so much, you're right about that; but it's changing for the better, know that."

I bury my head into his chest for a minute. I just can't believe that he is mine. That he didn't run when I told him about my issues; instead he held me closer. I've never felt closer to anyone in my entire life. I pull away from the embrace and Nick bends down to grab his shoes.

"Can I walk you home?" He asks.
"Isn't it going to be passed your curfew?" I reply.
"Mum will be okay, I'll text her."

Nick grabs Nellie's leash and we start walking to my house. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"I still have to tell my parents that we're dating," I say with a chuckle.
"You told me you love me before you told your parents we're together?" He laughs.
"Listen you just decided to come out last week and we've been busy," I say with a smile. "Tori knows though."
"Tori knows everything," Nick replies.

We reach my house and I bend down to say goodbye to Nellie before looking at Nick.

"Let me know when you get home?" I ask.

He nods and gives me a kiss.

"I love you, Charlie Spring."
"I love you, Nicholas Nelson." 

We smile and he leaves. I walk into my house, close the door and lean against it, smiling to myself.

"Nice night at Nick's?" Tori asks from the darkness of the kitchen, sipping her lemonade.
"PLEASE STOP DOING THAT!" I exclaim, holding my hand over my chest.

She laughs.

"You seem happy," she says in her usual tone.
"Nick told me he loves me," I say, smiling.
"Wow. When's the wedding?" She jokes.
"Very funny. Hey, are you, um, are you going to be around tomorrow?"

She narrows her eyebrows, looking at me curiously.

"Why? What's going on?" She asks as she sips her lemonade again.
"Just want to um, talk to you about, to tell you, to --"

She cuts me off.

"Seems important, I can always tell when something is bothering you. You start babbling like an idiot."

I laugh. She's not wrong.

"Yeah. I'll be here. Just um, just let me know when you want to talk okay?" She says, in a more concerned tone.

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