Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine.

It has been a few weeks since Charlie had his fall and yet I still can't help but worry about him all the time. However, all Charlie cares about is that his hair finally grew back  from where the doctor had cut it. The Rugby team had been announced and we just had our first two practices this week and it actually went surprisingly well. I couldn't believe that Harry and I were able to communicate about Rugby without it turning into anything else. I see Charlie wave to me by his locker. I smile and walk over.

"Excited for the weekend?" He asks.
"Eh. Rugby practice tomorrow," I say.
"But you love Rugby," Charlie says.
"I love spending time with you more," I say with a smile.
"Damn, someone is obsessed with me," he jokes.
"Never! Well, maybe a little," I tease. 
"We can still hang out tonight, and tomorrow after your practice. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to obsess over me," he says as he sticks his tongue out.

I laugh and we begin to walk.

"Want to grab dinner somewhere?" I ask.
"Yeah sure. Want to eat it at my house or yours?"
"No, I mean, lets go out to dinner. My treat," I say with a smile.
"Are you asking me on a date?" He teases.
"Well, we are dating, so yes, I am," I say as I pull him closer.
"Sounds amazing! But if you're going to take me out tonight, I want to shower and look, um, not like this," he says gesturing to himself.
"You look pretty good to me," I say.
"That's it? Pretty good? Rude," he jokes.
"Really really good," I say. "Besides that piece of hair the doctor cut."

He stops walking.

"Nick! That's not even funny."
"It's a little funny," I say. "Don't worry, you still look perfect to me."

He smiles and we continue to walk together until we have to go our separate ways to get to our own houses. 

"Do you know where we're eating or was this a spontaneous thing?" Charlie asks.
"I think I know," I say.
"Please no more chicken fingers," Charlie begs as we both laugh.
"I'm sorry! I just know that you'll always eat it and I want you to be comfortable."
"I can do some sort of pasta today if that works," he says.
"Anything you want always works for me."
"Okay cheeseball, that's enough," he says. "I'll see you later?"

I kiss him and as I pull away, I smile.

"Can't wait."

Nick and I haven't been out on a date since I had my panic attack at the movie theater. And although I'm always nervous that another one will happen out of nowhere, I'm just really excited to be going out with him. Once I finish getting ready, I pick up my phone and text Nick.

Charlie: Can't wait to see you xxx
Charlie: Are you walking over here or am I meeting you at whatever place you picked out?

I start to play a video game as I wait for Nick to text back. I look back at my phone and have no new messages. I called him and he didn't answer.

Charlie: I don't want to seem like a worried boyfriend but if you could just text me that you're okay, that would be great.

At this point, it's been over an hour since I've heard from him. Nick would never stand me up, and if he had to cancel, he would for sure let me know. This wasn't like him. I call him again, no answer. Should I wait? What if something happened? Maybe he needs me. I walk over to Tori's room.

"Hey, I think I'm going to head over to Nick's. I think something's wrong."

Tori looks at me.

"Why? Did he say something?"
"No. We were suppose to go out to dinner and he isn't answering his phone."
"That is weird. Only for you two because you are constantly talking. Do you need me to go with you?"

I shake my head.

"I'll call if anything," I say as I walk down the stairs and out the door.

Charlie: Officially worried...
Charlie: I hope you don't mind that I'm walking over to your house right now.

I tried calling him again but still no answer. At this point, I don't even care how crazy I look. I don't think I've ever been this worried about someone in my life. I look down to text him again and before I can even pick my head back up I feel someone run into me, wrapping their arms around me. Nick.

"I've been calling, are you --"

I stop talking because I hear Nick sobbing.

I try to pull away to look into his eyes but he's holding on for dear life. I run my fingers through his hair.

"Hey. Hey. You're scaring me, Nick. What happened? Are you okay? Your Mum? Nellie?"

I feel him trying to stop himself from crying long enough to speak. He pulls away from the hug.

"My dad. He had a heart attack..."

He pulls me into another hug. My mind is racing a million miles per hour. I know him and his Dad aren't close, but that's his Dad. At this point, we are closer to my house than his. 

"Come on, lets get you inside," I say as I take his hand and lead him to my house.

We get inside and I quietly shut the door; leading Nick up to my room.

"Is he.. I mean.." My voice trails off.
"He's alive, they have him stabilized. He hasn't woken up yet."
"You're going right?"
"Mum is packing our bags now. I just, I needed to see you."

I sit down on the bed next to him and pull him into a hug.

"Do you think your parents will let you come with us?" He whispers.
"Are you sure you want me there?"
"I don't think I can do this without you."
"Then I'm coming."

He lets out the tiniest chuckle.

"You didn't even ask yet."
"They'll say yes. If you need me, I'm coming," I say as a place my forehead against his.

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