Chapter Eight

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(Side Note - Sorry for two sad chapters in a row, it'll get better, I promise!)


The rest of the day moved very slowly but also so quickly, if that makes sense. I feel like I'm stuck in a state of alternate reality. It's nice right now, just hanging out with Tori and Nick, but I know that once the door opens and my parents come in, everything is going to change. Tori and Nick aren't wrong, I probably do need help. This isn't something that just started, this has been going on for awhile; especially when the bullying was really bad and while I was with Ben. The door opens and my parents walk in and I feel like my world is closing in on me. We help them bring the groceries in and I can tell that they know there is tension in the room. Once the groceries are put away, Mum and Dad stare at me and Tori.

"Is something going on?" Dad asks.

Before I could even send myself into a panic, I felt Tori and Nick's hands on each of my shoulders. I try to steady myself and speak.

"I need to talk to you guys about something," I say.

Mum and Dad sit down at the table and look at me.

"Last year, when the bullying was really bad; I sort of, I mean, I didn't mean to, but, it just sort of spiraled out of control. It started with just skipping breakfast, but then at lunch, I would only eat a bite or so; same with dinner. It just sort of became routine because it felt like the only thing in my life I could control. I couldn't control the bullies, I had a guy who treated me really terribly and I just didn't have control of anything. Some days are okay, but others are a struggle to even get out of bed and I -- I don't want you to think I'm making this up for attention or anything like that, I just, I think I need help...."

Mum and Dad look at each other. Dad looks concerned; Mum looks ...stoic.

"Why would you not want us to think you're making this up for attention?" Mum asks.

I put my hands in my pocket and shrug.

"I just, I know it sounds crazy..."
"You're not crazy," Dad says.
"It just seems like an odd thing to say if you're really not saying it for attention," she chimes in.

I look back at Tori and Nick because I knew it was going to play out like this.

"I'm not sure what kind of attention you think he's asking for here, Mum," Tori chimes in. "He's literally ASKING FOR HELP."
"Tori, tone," Dad says sternly.

Dad looks at me, clearly concerned.

"This has been going on for a year now?"
"About a year, yeah.." I say.

He pulls me into a hug and I just let the tears escape me. Tori, Nick and I go into the living room and can hear Mum and Dad discussing.

"So what? We're going to call a doctor and BOOM he's going to eat again?"
"Do you hear yourself right now?" He asks.
"Julio, it's food. He just doesn't eat when he's sad, it'll be fine. I really don't think a doctor is necessary."

I see Tori stand up from the couch, clearly enraged with the conversation in the kitchen. I bury my head into my hands.

"Mum, I need you to hear me. This isn't a food issue, this is a MENTAL HEALTH issue and Charlie needs help. We are not going to be the ones to help him, all we can do is offer support. He needs professional help."

I look at Nick who has his hand on mine. He gives me a slight smile, showing me that he's here for me, but honestly, I'm so embarrassed.

"Maybe you should go, I can call you later?" I ask.

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