Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven.

Ever since Charlie left, I have been driving myself insane thinking of all the possible things that could have happened to have made him leave like that. I told Elle that Charlie's Dad needed him home and that I would be there as soon as I can; but really, how could I go there and act like everything is okay when I know that it's not? Just then, I get a text from Charlie.

Charlie: I need you more than ever right now and I feel like it's going to be like that for awhile..

And just like that, my heart sinks. Charlie is never one to openly admit that he needs someone or that he is struggling, so to get this message from him sends a sinking feeling into my stomach. I'm not sure if I should automatically run to his house; is he even home? What do I say?

Nick: Whatever you need, I'm always there for you.
Nick: But you're scaring me, Char..

Silence. Usually, if Charlie texts me and I answer back right away, we fall into a bit of a conversation; but this time? Silence. No response. I feel like I can hear a clock ticking in my head; maximizing the feeling of each second that passes in which I do not hear from him. I hear a soft knock at the door and Mum walks in.

"I can hear you pacing from downstairs. Is everything okay?"

I shrug.

"Charlie left in quite a hurry. Did you two have a fight?"

I shake my head.

"His Dad called and he just, ran out. I'm not sure what's going on but I'm really worried. I don't think it's anything good," I say as I sit down on the edge of my bed.

She walks over and sits down next to me; placing her hand on my knee.

"You can't let your mind go there until you know what's going on, Nicky," she says.

Just then, my phone vibrates again and I've never been more scared in my entire life. I go to pick up my phone, but hesitate. I look at my Mum.

"Mum, I'm scared to look at it. What if it's really bad?"

She kisses the top of my head.

"Then all you can do is be there for him. If it is bad, he'll need your help to get through it."

I take a deep breath and pick up my phone as it vibrates again.

Charlie: My Mum...
Charlie: She had a stroke while driving and crashed into a pole
Charlie: She died in surgery at the hospital...

I get up and grab my shoes, running frantically down the stairs. I hear Mum running behind me.

"Nicky, what happened?!"

I put my shoes on open the door and turn back around.

"It's his Mum. She, she died..."

Mum's hands fall to her sides and I see the helplessness in her eyes.

"Come on, it'll be faster if I drive you."

We get in the car and start heading to Charlie's. I'm not even sure if he's home yet but I'll wait outside until he gets there. There's no where I can be right now other than with him. We reach their house and I freeze. Suddenly, I feel like I will be no help in this situation. What can I even do?

"I don't know how to help him through this.." I say with a broken voice.
"Honey, you're going to help him more than you'll even realize just by being there for him. That's what he needs right now, someone who will allow him to sit in his grief and someone that will sit in the grief with him."

I nod my head. However scared I am feeling right now is nothing compared to what Charlie and his family are going through. I guess Charlie saw my Mum's car through the window because he opens the door. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car as quickly as I can and run towards him. I pull him into a hug and I can feel his silent sobs.

"I'm sorry I just showed up. Before I knew it, I was here. Is it okay that I'm here?" I whisper as I hold him tight.

I feel him nodding as I run my fingers through his hair. I hear Mum's car pull out of the driveway; I know she's probably going home to cook dinner for Charlie and his family and just wanted to give everyone time to be alone in their grief. Charlie pulls away from the hug, grabbing my hand and slowly leading me inside. It's quiet; not like it's never been quiet here before; but you can feel the heaviness in the house. I see Tori sitting on the couch, looking at the wall; probably consumed in her own thoughts. Charlie walks into the kitchen where his Dad is. I walk over and sit down next to Tori. I place my hand on her leg. She jumps slightly, I wonder if she even heard me come in. She wipes the tears in her eyes.

"Nick, I didn't even hear you come in," she says stoically, staring back at the wall.

I pull her into a quick hug.

"I'm so sorry.."

She pulls away from the hug quickly.

"Thank you. It means a lot."

I take a deep breath before getting up and. I steady myself and walk into the kitchen, and see Charlie and his Dad sitting at the table, in silence. I walk over to them and pull his Dad into a hug.

"Thank you for being here," he says softly. 
"There's no where else in this world that I'd be," I say.
"I know."

I sit down at the table with them, holding Charlie's hand. Tori eventually joins us at the table and we all just sit there in silence. Somehow it feels like we've been sitting there for minutes and hours at the same time. The doorbell rings and Julio gets up; I hear the door open and my Mum says "I made dinner". I hear Charlie's Dad start to cry again and I walk over and take the tray of food from my Mum. I unwrap the tray and see that she made Chicken Parmesan; I smile slightly to myself; she made sure to make something that Charlie would eat. Me and Mum take out the plates and fill them up as we all sit at the table.

"I'm not sure exactly how; but we're going to help you guys get through this," Mum says with her hand on Charlie's Dad's shoulder.

I squeeze Charlie's hand from underneath the table. The dinner is quiet, and I know this isn't going to get any easier but she's right. We're going to help them get through this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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