Chapter Ten

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[2 months later]

Two months ago, if anyone would told me that I would be happy after having spent basically my whole summer in a treatment center working through my depression and eating disorder; I would have sarcastically laughed in their face. But now, after actually having spent my summer there, I can honestly say it was very helpful. Being an environment that forces you to confront your issues and find ways to help what's going on inside your head, without doing anything that would cause you harm has been incredibly eye-opening. I learned what certain things are triggers for me and how to deal with them the best that I can. I know I will still have bad days, this center didn't cure me; but they did provide me with tools on how to deal with my bad days without causing myself harm. It's been hard, being away from my family, friends and Nick (who could forget Nellie as well?). I've seen my parents and Nick a couple of times, but for the most part, I have been here alone. The first time Nick visited, I told him that he could let Elle, Tao, Issac, Tara and Darcy what was going on but to not go into too much detail. I haven't seen any of my friends since I left two months ago; I wanted to focus on getting better, but wow, I miss them. I've seen Tori along with my parents once every two weeks. I haven't seen Nick in almost a month, he went on vacation with his family and comes home today. I still will be seeing my therapist twice a week for now, but hopefully that will be brought down to once a week once I settle into school. My train of thought is broken by Tori standing in the doorway with a mischievous smirk.

"Ready to get the hell out of here?"
"You have no idea," I say with a smile as I walk up and hug her.
"After today, I think you and I have hugged enough to last us at least four lifetimes," she says with a sarcastic laugh. "Starting tomorrow it's back to me appearing out of nowhere and only offering my advice in sarcastic one liners."
I laugh. "Okay, deal."

I say hi to my parents and we begin the drive back home.

Charlie: I can't wait to see you later.
Nick: I can't believe you're finally coming home xxx
Nick: Get ready to be annoyed with endless amounts of kisses :p

Nick and I have spoken a bit since I've been gone, but it hasn't been the same. When he comes to visit, my family is here and it doesn't give us a lot of alone time. When we were on the phone, it felt like everyone could hear our conversations; I'm excited to finally have him to myself again. At first, I was nervous about what the time apart would do to us. However, Nick reassured me, just like he always does, that we would be just fine and that I should just focus on myself. Have I mentioned that I love this boy? I wonder how many times in a day I think that to myself. My heart is aching to see him, to hold him again.

Nick: So I get in around 6PM, I figure I'll be at your house by 7?
Nick: At least our parents are letting me stay over today to celebrate
Charlie: That's true <3
Nick: Well, you can kiss it all night long!
Nick: That totally came out more sexual than intended
Nick: Heh, sorry. Dying of embarrassment here
Charlie: LOL i love you so much

This summer has literally gone slower than any summer in my entire existence. I was so excited to spend the summer with Charlie, but I know he was where he needed to be. I tried to be there the best that I could, offering words of encouragement on his bad days; bringing him gifts his friends made him when I visited, but I wish I could have done more. Mum tells me that I did everything I could do for him and that the healing process needs to start with him, but that didn't make it any easier. But today, today I can do something. He's coming home and I am so excited that I literally feel like my heart could explode at any second. Charlie thinks that I'm still on vacation, but in reality, I begged Mum to get us home a day early. I wanted to be here as soon as Charlie got home. I've been in his room decorating since his family left to go pick him up. I put up a "Welcome Home" banner on the front of his door. Underneath the banner, I taped all of my favorite pictures of us that we have taken over the last couple of months. Inside, I strung together a bunch of Christmas lights all around the ceiling of his room so they would twinkle like the night sky. I have a small dinner set up for us on the floor; he mentioned to me that even on his worst days, he still can manage to get himself to eat chicken fingers and chips, so I made sure to get that for dinner, as I don't want to get something that I wouldn't be sure he'd want to eat. I have Mario Kart already loaded up on his TV so we can play. I have a couple of small gifts that made me think of him while I was away on vacation; a keychain with drumsticks on it, some nintendo stickers, and a new pair of wireless headphones with a "C" sticker on one of the ears. Charlie was worried that about the time we would be spending apart, but in all honesty, it just made me miss him more. It made me yearn for the day where he would be back in my arms, just hanging out, watching TV. I hear the car door open and sneakily look out Charlie's window. My heart drops and my stomach is doing literal flips; I actually feel sick to my stomach but in the best possible way. Charlie's home.

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