Chapter Five

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I look down at my phone and read the text.

Tao: Hey, we're all going to bowling in like an hour or so. Are you guys back yet?
Charlie: Just got back actually, we'll meet you guys there! (:

Even though I'm excited for us to all go on a date; to be honest, it's been nice going on a bunch of dates lately since I've never been on one before Nick. However, I'm nervous for us to be going on a date at a place where a lot of people from school frequent. I don't want him feeling uncomfortable and I definitely don't want him to get into another fight.

"Char? Are you okay?"

I snap out of it.

"I thought you were never going to call me that again," I joke.
"I guess it comes out when I'm worried about you," he shrugs. "What's up?"
"Tao wants us to meet them at the bowling alley in about an hour."
"Oh, that sounds like fun, I'm definitely going to beat Elle both games unlike last time," he says with a chuckle. "But you spaced out; where did you go?"

I sigh.

"I'm just worried.."
"About what?" He asks.
"About who we may see while we're out later. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or potentially get into another fight if people start saying things about you, or me.."

He grabbed my hand and started to walk to the parking lot where his mum was waiting to pick us up.

"Charlie, I really meant what I said. I'm ready to be out. If the rugby guys are there, we'll deal with it. I doubt Harry is ever going to say anything to me again after the cinema. I also doubt that any of the other ones will say anything if Harry doesn't."

I look at him with a slight smile as we get into his mum's car.

"So what did you guys end up doing?" She asks.
"Mum, you'll never guess what Charlie planned," he says with a huge smile on his face, looking back at me.
"Um, lets see, did you two --"

Nick doesn't even let her finish her sentence.


She looks at me through the mirror and smiles.

"A Rugby match? Wow, you must have been beside yourself."
"Mum, it was so AMAZING. I don't know if anything will ever top that."
"Charlie knows you pretty well then," she says, smiling at me again through the mirror.

We get to their house and walk inside to greet Nellie.

"I know you just picked us up but do you mind driving us to the bowling alley in like 45 minutes?" He asks.
She laughs. "Full time Mum, part time chauffeur. That's fine, just let me know when you boys want to leave."

We walk upstairs to Nick's room with Nellie close behind. Nick throws himself onto his bed while I sit down on the edge of it, petting Nellie.

"I'm totally going to win today," he says.
"Not if Elle has anything to do with it," I say, laughing.

Nick frowns. "I never win anything anymore!"
"Didn't you win the first game we bowled?"
"Yes, but then Elle won. Then I LOST the claw game and LOST again in Mario Kart," he says.
"Sound like a sore loser to me," I face him as I stick my tongue out at him.
"We are NOT leaving the bowling alley until I win something."

I take out my phone and pretend like I'm going to text someone.

"Just going to tell my Mum that we're moving into the bowling alley since you're clearly not going to win anything," I say, jokingly.

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