Chapter Twenty Four

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The last couple of months have been relatively normal. There has been no drama, thankfully. Harry and Ben have left us alone and everyone else has been really great about Charlie and I. But now, Rugby tryouts are today and tomorrow and practice will be beginning soon, which means, I'll be spending a lot of time with my Co-Captain, Harry. There are so many things in this world that I'd rather do than spend time with Harry; jumping into shark infested waters for one. It also means less time with Charlie, which also isn't ideal but this is what I want to do and these are the years that matter in Rugby when wanting to go professional. I close my locker and see Otis, Sai and Christian making their way towards me. 

"Are you guys ready for tryouts? Even though you guys are obviously all making the team," I say.

They all nod their heads.

"But the real question is, are you ready to sit with Harry the whole time? I mean, it must be nice not having to endure tryouts, but -- "

I cut Christian off.

"I'd rather endure months of tryouts than spend any time with Harry. But I know the team wouldn't be in good hands if he was the only captain, and I know it'll look good for me going into University."
"You're right, and you shouldn't let Harry take that opportunity away from you," Sai says.
"I won't. I mean, I don't intend to," I say.
"Just let Ms. Singh handle Harry if he gets out of line. Ya know, instead of punching him like you did last time," Otis jokes. "Even though he deserved it."

We all start making our way towards the locker room. I see Charlie at his locker and look at the guys.

"I'll meet you guys in there," I say as I start walking toward Charlie.
"See you in there, mate. Hey Charlie!" Sai says as the other two wave at him.

Charlie waves back, looks at me and smiles.

"Are you excited? It's officially Rugby season."
"I'd be more excited if you joined the team again. Are you sure you don't want to? I have some pull with who gets on the team and who doesn't," I tease.

He closes his locker and laughs.

"Even though I've become friends with some of the Rugby boys, I think I'd rather not go into that locker room or step on that field ever again," he says with a slight smile.
"Not on the field? Even if it's cheering me on?" I ask with a fake pout.

He lightly pushes me.

"Only to cheer you on," he says.

I smile and then sigh.

"I still can't believe I have to go sit with Harry for the next like, two hours right now when all I want to do is hang out with you," I say.
"Feel free to stop by my house after," Charlie says with a smile before giving me a quick kiss. "You got this! Go, you don't want to be late for your first day of being Captain."

I kiss him one more time and make my way to the locker room and over to Sai, Christian and Otis. Harry is also in the locker room, but he is on the other side of the room, keeping to himself. As we walk out of the room, Ms. Singh looks at Harry and myself.

"You boys ready?" She asks.

Harry looks at me but to be honest, I'm not ready to speak to him, even Rugby related just yet. I keep my gaze on Ms. Singh.


After school, I get home and do my homework right away. Just in case Nick wants to come over for a little after the first day of tryouts. I am hoping and praying that today goes smoothly. Nick and Harry's last encounter at the park obviously didn't go great and then he had that whole blowout with David shortly after. It's been so great these last two months that I really hope nothing ruins it or gets in the way.

"Where's Nick?" Tori asks as she appears in the doorway of my room.

I look up from my books and smile.

"Rugby tryouts today. He's Captain now, ya know."

She rolls her eyes but slightly smiles.

"Yes Charlie, I know. You brag about his accomplishments as if they were your own," she teases. "Just strange not to see him after school, he's practically moved in."
"No he hasn't!"

Her eyebrows narrow as she stares at me.

"When is the last day either of you have spent more than one day apart?"

I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. 

"The summer? When I was in the treatment center."
"My point exactly!" Tori says as she disappears into the hallway.

I smile to myself thinking about how much time Nick and I have spent together and how somehow it doesn't feel like nearly enough. I know some people get sick of spending all their time with one person, but I just don't see that ever happening with him and I. My phone goes off and I see that he texted me.

Nick: Well, that was pretty uneventful
Charlie: That's good!
Charlie: ...right?
Nick: Is it bad that I expect it to go badly? Like there's no way that it's going to be like this for the rest of the season, right?
Charlie: Who knows? Maybe Harry will keep to himself this season
Nick: Even you know Harry better than that.
Nick: Mum wants me home for dinner but I have like an hour
Nick: Do you mind if I come by? xx
Charlie: Can't wait to see you xx

Soon enough, there's a knock at the door and Nick is here. 

"Weird seeing you after Rugby and not have you be all sweaty," I tease as he walks inside.

He laughs.

"Well, it is tryouts, so still winter and also, I didn't have to do anything today. Just you wait until practice starts, you won't even want to see me until I shower," he teases.
"Somehow I highly doubt that," I say.
"Is it crazy that I missed you? I know we see each other all the time but I feel like us doing our homework together after school has become sort of like a routine."
"Right?! I was just telling Tori that after she said you basically moved in here."
"Definitely wouldn't mind spending all my time with you," he says as I feel myself blush again.
"Yeah, I definitely wouldn't complain about that either," I say as I press my lips against his. "So how did tryouts go? Anyone stand out?"
"I mean, no one new has tried out yet. So I kind of already knew how everyone was going to play. Otis, Sai and Christian did really well though, so that's good."
"That's great!"

We talk a little bit more about the tryouts before Nick has to head home.

"When do I get you back for our homework dates?" I tease.

He gets closer to me and kisses my nose.

"One more day of tryouts and then practice will start in two weeks."
"I guess I need to soak up as much time with you as I can," I say as I look up at him.

He wraps his arms around me and looks into my eyes.

"You better."

I kiss him and he deepens it. Lately our kisses have been getting more and more intense and it's pretty much all I want to do every time I see him. He pulls away from the kiss and takes a deep breath.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Ugh, tomorrow," I say with a sigh but smiling.

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