Chapter Twenty Five

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After we finish the last day of tryouts, I sigh in relief. Now I have two more weeks before having to deal with Harry again.

"Okay boys, now we all need to sit down sometime within the next week to discuss who we think should make the team," Ms. Singh says.

Oh yeah, totally forgot about that part. I guess I won't have a peaceful two weeks after all.

"What do you guys think? Monday after school work for you both?"

Harry and I briefly make eye contact and both nod. It has been an unusually easy two days of tryouts with Harry by my side. We barely speak; just an occasionally look at each other when we see a player that we think would be good on the team. I know we will need to speak eventually, but I hope our conversation is limited to Rugby and Rugby only. Now that tryouts are over and it's Friday, that means I have a full weekend with Charlie before I have to worry about any of this nonsense. As I walk out of the locker room, I see that I have a text from Charlie.

Charlie: Hurry up and finish tryouts so I can see your handsome face xxx

I smile and begin to type.

Nick: You can't rush perfection and that's what I'm going for with the team this year :p
Nick: But also, tryouts are officially over xxx
Charlie: :)
Charlie: Are we going to hang out at my house or yours?
Nick: I had to demonstrate a couple of plays and even though I'm not sweaty, I would like to shower lol
Nick: My house?
Charlie: LOL what a princess :p
Charlie: But that's fine. I can be there in 30?
Nick: Sounds perfect (:
Nick: If I'm still in the shower, Mum will let you in
Nick: See you soon xxx

I smile to myself again and make my way home. 


I knock on Nick's door and Sarah opens it.

"Charlie, so good to see you. Nick is just getting out of the shower I think. I'm about to go to the store to pick some things up for dinner. You're more than welcome to wait on the couch or in his room. I should be back in about twenty minutes," Sarah says as she starts to walk out the door.
"Good to see you too, Sarah! See you soon."

I go upstairs into Nick's room and can still hear the water running from the shower. I decide to hide besides Nick's bed to scare him when he comes in here. I hear the water shut off and lightly giggle in excitement. Jeez, how long does it take for Nick to dry himself and put on some clothes? I feel like I've been kneeling down here forever. I hear the bathroom door open and footsteps getting closer and closer.

"Mum! Is Charlie here?" 

He waits a little before speaking again.

"Mum, are you there?"

As he makes his way over to the window, most likely to see if their car is in the driveway, I know I have my chance. I lunge at his feet and scream.

"JESUS CHRIST!" He screams as he jumps back.

He immediately looks down and sees me on the floor laughing.

"Charlie! What the hell?" He says, trying to hide the smile forming on his face.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't resist. Your Mum said she was going to pick things up for dinner and since you were still in the shower, I figured I couldn't let this opportunity slip away."

Nick shakes his head and laughs.

"Okay, get up off of the floor now and give me a proper hello."

I continue to laugh as I stand up.

"How does one give a proper hello?"

Nick proceeds to kiss me and wraps his arms around me.

"Like that. Hi," he says as he touches my nose with his. "You're a real goofball, you know that?"

I laugh as I kiss his cheek.

"And you're a real cheeseball, do you know that? Also, hi."

He playfully pushes me onto the bed and sits down next to me.

"I wonder what Mum is getting for dinner. Are you staying?"
"Nick, I just got here like five minutes ago. Of course I'm staying," I say with a chuckle.
"You've gotten really sarcastic with me lately, you're going to have to pay for that."

Nick grabs a pillow and hits me with it. We begin to play around until we hear the door open and Nick's Mum's voice.

"Can you boys help me with the grocery bags?" She yells from downstairs.

We walk downstairs and Nick laughs.

"I thought you were just picking up some things for dinner."
"I figured I'd pick up some extra things so I don't have to go back to the store this weekend."

After bringing in the groceries, Nick and go back upstairs and put on the TV.

"So how were the last day of tryouts?" I ask.
"They were good. I think we're going to have a strong team this year."
"And Harry?"
"We really haven't spoken. Just a couple of looks at each other when we saw someone with potential. But Ms. Singh wants us all to meet after school on Monday to discuss who we think should make the team."
"Well, I'm sure it'll be okay. Maybe he's trying to avoid you as much as you are trying to avoid him."
"Maybe," he says as his voice trails off.

I turn around to face him and kiss him quickly.

"It's going to be fine. And you are going to look so good leading your team into victory or whatever," I say with a laugh.
"Into victory or whatever? Great pep talk," he says laughing.
"I don't know how to give a good pep talk for sports; but I do know that if anyone can do it, be civil with Harry while leading the team to a ....league championship?" I ask unsurely.

Nick nods.

"Okay, yes, league championship, it's you," I say.

He smiles and rests his head on mine.

"I'm going to need this kind of pep talk at least once or twice a week when practice starts," he says.
"Anytime," I say with a smile.

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