Chapter Twenty Six

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Waking up today, I'm feeling very anxious. Not necessarily for me, but more for Nick. I hate that he's feeling so anxious about something he loves so much; all because of a stupid bully that doesn't know when to shut up. I look down at my phone and begin to type in my group chat to Elle, Tao and Isaac.

Charlie: Nick has been feeling so stressed about having to deal with Harry this rugby season
Charlie: What do you guys think I should do? I just want to help..
Tao: Well, I definitely have a few options
Charlie: That don't involve murder or torture?
Tao: .....
Tao: Well, now I have no options
Elle: Maybe you should just leave it alone
Elle: Harry's finally left you alone, right?
Isaac: I agree with Elle on this one
Tao: No one ever agrees with me
Elle: Shut up Tao.
Charlie: This has been little to no help :)
Charlie: I don't want to leave it alone
Charlie: Nick has done so much for me and I want to be able to do the same for him
Elle: It's not like you can talk to Harry and have a mature conversation
Tao: LOL you said Harry and mature in the same sentence
Isaac: To be fair, she said he's not mature though
Tao: Whose side are you on?
Isaac: Elle's, obviously :)
Charlie: GUYS! FOCUS!
Charlie: There has to be something  I can do
Elle: Yeah, you can leave it alone
Elle: You're happy. Nick's happy. 
Elle: I guarantee if you talk to Harry this will end badly and no one will be happy

I put my phone down in frustration. I mean, if I'm being honest, Elle is probably right. Talking to Harry would open up a can of worms which could potentially, well most likely result in Harry saying something awful to me, Nick finding out about it, Nick punching Harry and then Nick gets kicked off the rugby team. But even still, doing nothing and letting Nick stress about something he loves so much doesn't sit right with me either. For now, I'm just going to let it go because it's not like I have Harry's phone number to text and see if we can meet up. I just need to think of a way to take Nick's mind off of everything this weekend. My phone goes off again and I assume it's Elle making sure I'm not doing anything stupid. When I pick it up and realize it's Nick, I smile.

Nick: Hi xx
Charlie: Hi :) 
Nick: Please tell me I'm seeing you today
Charlie: Of course you are
Charlie: Do you want to do anything in particular?
Nick: I'd actually just love to spend the day doing nothing
Nick: Just being with you
Charlie: Wow, I must be pretty great :p
Nick: The best (:
Charlie: Want to hang out here?
Charlie: Mum and Dad are out for the day, it's just me and Tori
Nick: Sounds good
Nick: Be there in an hour?
Charlie: Can't wait xx

I decide to set up a fort in the basement and hang Christmas lights all around. I just want Nick to feel special this weekend, and since he didn't want to go anywhere or really do anything, I thought this might be nice.

I finish getting ready and start heading to Charlie's. Honestly, a simple, quiet day is just what I need right now. I've been so stressed about rugby which bothers me because I really do love playing. I reach Charlie's house and knock on the door, Tori answers.

"Hi Tori --"
"He's downstairs," she says as she begins to walk away. "Also, Hi."

I shake my head and laugh. I close the door and walk downstairs. All the lights are off but instead, there are millions and millions of Christmas lights strung around the whole room. I call out for Charlie as I do not see him, completely taken back by what I just walked into. Charlie pops his head out of this huge pillow fort he has made.

"What's all this?" I ask, not being able to hide my smile.

He gets out of the fort and walks over to me.

"I know you've had a rough couple of days and I just wanted to take your mind off of it, make you feel special."
"You make me feel special everyday," I say, obviously blushing.
"Well then, I wanted to make you feel really special today," he says as he kisses me.

Charlie has a way of making even the worst and most stressful situations evaporate from my mind. How can I be stressed when I'm this lucky? I have the most amazing guy right in front of me. I've been stressed for like a week and just like that, it's all gone. I've never felt luckier.

"You didn't have to do this," I say, leaning my forehead against his."
"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. You're always there for me; always making me feel better on my bad days. And even though I wish I could do more, I just wanted you to know how important you are to me and wanted you to feel the love I feel from you everyday."
"If it wasn't already completely obvious, I really love you."
"I know," he says with a smirk. "I love you too."


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