Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:


The sun peers through my windows and I open my eyes. Usually, I like to stay in bed a little longer but I am just too excited to see Charlie again today. I grab my phone and see that I have a text message. It seems Charlie is just as excited to see me.

Charlie: Good morning boyfriend xxx So excited to see you today :) I was wondering if we can have an early start to our day; I promised Tao we'd have a movie night tonight.

I smile as I read the message. Like I would have a problem seeing Charlie earlier than originally planned.

Nick: Morning! xxx I think I'm more excited and I definitely do not have a problem seeing you earlier in my day :)

I hit send and start my morning. Charlie and I make plans to meet in the park so I decided to pack a blanket and a small breakfast for us before continue our day. I walk into the kitchen to see Mum sitting at the table, sipping on her tea.

"Morning Nicky, sleep well?" She asks.
"Morning Mum, yeah. You?" I say as I walk over and pour myself a cup.
"Yeah. You're up early. Plans for today?"
I smile. "Yeah, I'm going to meet up with Charlie at the park. I'm going to pack us a small little picnic and then we'll probably end up coming back here or to his house, is that okay?" I ask.
She smiles back at me. "That's fine love. Just text me with some updates so I know where you are, okay?"

I nod as I finish my tea. Mum finds me a basket and a blanket. I pack some juice and some bagels. I also pack one of my jumpers because even though it's summer, Charlie gets chilly in the morning and I know he's going to complain that he's cold. Plus, he looks so cute in my jumpers. I text Charlie to let him know I'm on my way and start making my way to the park. I get there before Charlie which I was hoping for so I could set up the little picnic. I take out the blanket and then place the bagels and juice on top and wait for him. I see him walking over and once he can see what I set up he stops and smiles. He gets closer to me and shakes his head.

"You didn't have to do this," he says as he sits down.
"Well, I wanted to," I say.

I realize this is the first time Charlie and I have been out in town since we agreed we are telling people. I definitely am nervous, and I'm not going to make some sort of huge announcement, but I meant what I said. I'm tired of sneaking around like we're best friends when he is just so much more. I pull him close and give him a kiss; it's electric. I feel it throughout my whole body. I pull away and smile at him.

"I missed you," I say shyly.

"I missed you too, boyfriend," I say, slightly nudging him with a smile.

I look around to see what Nick set up for us. It's simple but perfect. The wind blows and I realize I probably should have brought a jumper or a jacket.

"How is it chilly right now?" I say, laughing.

Nick shakes his head, smiling. He reaches into the picnic basket and pulls out the blue jumper that I've basically taken ownership of.

"How did I know you would be cold?" He says as he hands me the jumper.
"Am I that predictable?"
"No, I just pay attention. I think I know you pretty well," He says, smiling.

I rip a small piece of the bagel, put it in my mouth and wash it down with the juice.

"Not hungry?" Nick asks.
I play around with the sleeves on the jumper. "No, I actually had a small breakfast before I left my house," I say, clearly lying.

Nick looks at me, confused but shrugs it off.

"So what time are you going round Tao's?" He asks.
"Around six I think. We haven't confirmed the time yet."
"Elle and Isaac going to?"
"Yeah, I think so. I can ask if you --"
"As much as I would like to spend the whole day with you, I think your friends probably want to have you to themselves. I know I feel that way when we're together," he says.

Saying there are butterflies flying around in my stomach feels like an understatement. I'm just not sure how I got here; to this place. Happiness. Pure bliss. If I look back to just a year ago, I was miserable. I didn't see the good in anything, but now it's the total opposite. I'm starting to see the good in EVERYTHING when we're together. I lean in and kiss him quickly.

"You don't have to do that," he says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"You don't need to pull away so quickly. I told you, I want to be out. I want us to be"

I smiled as he looked into my eyes. All of a sudden, it felt like it did on the rugby field the other day. The whole world had stopped and it was just the two of us in existence. I leaned in again and kissed him.

At first, the thought of coming out terrified me. I wasn't sure who I was or "what" I was. I know now. I am bisexual and I am crazy about the boy sitting next to me. That kiss just reaffirmed everything I said at the beach yesterday. His lips on mine is electric. I didn't know if I would ever feel this way with someone and I just feel so lucky. I wish I could bottle up this feeling forever; I hope it never fades.

"I could get use to this," Charlie says, his cheeks red.
"Me too," I say as I grab his hand; my cheeks equally as red.

We clean up and leave the park to head back to my house. After we were greeted by Nellie, we see Mum sitting on the couch. She notices us and stands up immediately.

"Charlie, so good to see you again!" She says with a smile. "Nick told me about you two and I just want to say how happy I am for you both. I always told Nicky that he seemed much more himself around you than anyone else."

Charlie blushed and smiled back at her. "Nice to see you again too Mrs. Nelson," he said.
"Please call me Sarah," she said as she hugged him.

We go upstairs to my room and Charlie looks at me.

"Nicky," he says, laughing.

I throw a pillow at him.

"Shut up, she's called me that my whole life," I say.

He threw the pillow back at me.

"It's cute."


Nick suggests we play Mario Kart even though he knows he's going to lose.

"Care to make it interesting?" I ask.
"Of course you want to bet on a game I can never win," He said. "What do you have in mind?"
"If I win, you let me take you on a date this week," I say.
He smiles. "That sounds like a win for me, but okay. If I win?"

I laugh and turn on the game.

"Nick, do you really think that even needs to be discussed? I'm clearly going to win."
"You're in for it now," He says as he picks his player.

Naturally, I win. I look at the time and realize I need to leave if I want to get to Tao's on time.

"I can't believe you won again," he says, walking me to the door.
"Really? You can't believe I won? When have I ever lost?" I laugh.

He pulls me into a hug.

"Have fun at Tao's. Text me later?"
"Of course," I say.

He pulls me close and kisses me.

"Also, better get started on planning our next date," he says as he leans his forehead against mine.

I kiss his nose and start to walk out the door.

"If I'm being honest, it's been planned since you kissed me in the corridor," I say.

With that, I start walking to Tao's, happier than I've ever been. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much these past two days. I don't think I'll ever stop.

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