Chapter 4: A good and a Bad day

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Previously on love of my life

I ran to the roof top to get some fresh air but suddenly I cried, I couldn't control my tears" oh you must be the new girl hee why are you crying?" And unknown voice said from behind I turned and saw-

It was a girl, she has short maroon hair that goes down to her face, but extends to her shoulders in the back of her head, wearing goggles on top of her head. She has bright blue eyes, and wears a sleeveless pink jacket with yellow buttons over a white shirt with a blue "B" on it, that has a brown belt that is around it with gold buttons and a pink and gold pouch. On her hands she wears brown fingerless leather gloves. She wears a short dark blue skirt with long white socks that reach up to her thigh with a pink trim and pink boots with golden buttons." hi I'm Madoka I saw you running towards the rooftop and I thought of checking out if you're ok.
Madoka ha she's really nice" you were crying before is something wrong " she asked and crouched down next to me" n-no I'm fine thanks for your concern" I said smiling, she's so kind not like a certain someone "oh the class's about to start we'll get late if we stay here" I said and stood up " sorry about this but I'm not a student here I'm a bey mechanic I came here to research about beyblading" " that's alright see you at lunch maybe?" " Yeah of course bye " she waved and went.

Shu's p.o.v

*Shu I'm really sorry I didn't had any friends in my old school I'm not used to having friends it's just my first time having friends so I don't know how to behave with a friend I'm really sorry for yelling at you yesterday*
Arh why is this keeps repeating in my mind I'm so frustrated I held my head and kept it in the desk

*Shu I'm really sorry I didn't had any friends in my old school I'm not used to having friends it's just my first time having friends so I don't know how to behave with a friend I'm really sorry for yelling at you yesterday*Arh why is this keeps r...

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Suddenly Kiara the leader of the 'Shu Kurenai fan Club'came "hey Shuu~ You seems stressed do you want me to help you feel better ~" bunch of morons "no thanks I'm good" then the door opened and y/n came for a moment her eyes met mine but she looked away.

Your p.o.v

As soon as I entered the class room Shu's eyes met mine but I ignored him and went to my seat suddenly a group of girls came near me "hey you must be the new girl" a girl with low piggy tails said "ah.. yeah hi?"I said nervously " Don't give me this act, what relationship do you have with my Shu ha!"her Shu what does she mean by that.then Shu came and dragged me out of the class room.what is he doing " hey do I look like a potato sack to drag around!"but he didn't answer my question, suddenly he pinned me on the wall " what did she say, did she do something" why does he care " why do you care?"

Shu's p.o.v

"Why do you care?"yeah why do I care first I was angry and now I'm being protective.what is this strange feelings "I don't know, but I'm really sorry about earlier" she's smiling and it melts my heart "ok apology accepted, and you're girlfriend didn't do anything to me" that's a relief " ha that's good to hear and SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND UNDERSTOOD !" Oh no Kiara my girlfriend not in the million years" wow wow cool down will yeah " "ok the class's about to start let's go "I said and went inside the class.

~lunch break ~
Your p.o.v

Where is this girl,she said we can talk later oh there is she "hey.. Madoka I was looking all over for you" I said and sat near her" yeah hi ah.." " oh silly me I didn't even introduce myself I'm y/n Hagane "she looked at me surprised did I say something wrong" Hagane? Are some how related to Gingka?" Wait she knows him" yeah Gingka is my twin brother, but how do you know him?" " I'm his team's bey mechanic " team!"GINGKA HAVE HIS OWN TEAM!" Now everyone's attention is on us because I shouted" ha ha sorry " I said and dragged Madoka outside the canteen" now tell me how do you know Gingka?" " Oh it's ~

"If something bad were to happen when you fought Kyoya I don't -

"Look Kenta I'm traveling so I can find opponents like that I really need the challenge"

"But -

"It's ok no matter who I battle as long as I got pegasus I like my chances, right pegasus"

"Pegasus the poor thing "

~Flashback end~

"So that's what happened" she said smiling "oh okay sorry for bothering you" no no it's ok you're his sister you definitely have rights to ask about him" she's so kind"hey Madoka is it ok if you be my friend?" I asked expecting her to say yes" yeah of course we can be friends,ok I have to go back bye" she waved and went. my class is going to start I should get I'm walking down the corridor but suddenly someone pushed me towards the wall " HEY WHAT WAS THA- then someone pulled me by my shirt collar" shut up or you'll regret even more" a girl who has shoulder length black colour hair said"we already warned you but you chose to ignore us now you should pay the consequence" "c-consequence" I'm trembling in fear but I have to stay strong " how dare you be friend with my darling Shu" the girl from earlier with the low piggy tails said and they released my and I fell on the floor.then they started kicking me and pouring water on me.this is why I don't like being near boys all the girls will bully me,tears started to form in my eyes"that should do it, get near my Shu again and I'll make you regret it even more" she said and walked away.
I stood up and dusted my clothes and went towards the class.

~after school's over~

"y/n.... wait for meee" it was Valt but I just want to go home now, so I ignored him and went. After I arrived at home I went straight to my room and took a shower and changed into my night dress and went to bed thinking about earlier. Should I really need to listen to them and ignore Shu but they're my only friends I can't ignore him*yawns* I should sleep for now I'll think about it tomorrow and turned off the lamp and slept.

(Hi guys hope you're doing well, I'm sure you'll enjoy this chapter Please vote and comment)
bye ~

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