Chapter 32: Battle at the bit-beast Corral

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Previously on love of my life


y/n: "hm"*turns towards him only to realise that their faces are only an inch apart*

Shu: *leans in slowly*

y/n: 'wait wait wait wait wait is he gonna k-kiss me?!?'

Both of them were leaning in their noses were touching, Shu tilted his head to the side and leans in more until


y/n & Shu:*jumps away and turns around*

The bladebreaker and the beyclub are on the floor

Wakiya: "I told you to stop putting your weight on me didn't I!"

Rantaro: "I wasn't able to see it that's why!"

y/n & Shu:*flustered*

y/n: "w-we should go in before we catch a cold"*avoiding eye contact*

Shu: "y-yeah" *stuttering*

y/n: *runs back in*

Rantaro: "that's a bold move you know"

Hilary: "sorry if it weren't for us you would've kissed"

Shu:*blushing* "k-kiss! No I was just trying to blow the dust on her face yeah the dust"

Hilary: "yeah sure"*smirking*

Shu: *clears his throat*"we should go to sleep we have a match tomorrow"*goes inside*

Hilary: "aww I feel bad"

Tyson: "shall we go in"*yawning*

Hilary: "I'm going to get them together" *determined*

Ray: "well good luck with that"

Everyone goes back to sleep

~next day~

Everyone was walking towards the amusement park when suddenly a bey landed in front of them then when back to the owner's hand

Dunga: "you're late"*catching his bey* "I thought you were gonna chicken out of this match, guess it's still early tho" *laughing*

Ray: "where's Driger"

Dunga: "look no further"*pointing at the ferris wheel* "just a little reminder of what's at stake by the time we're done your other bit beasts are gonna be joining him"

There's a rock tied up in the middle of the ferris wheel I think Driger is trapped inside that

Tyson: "That could be any old rock up there"

Kenny: *opens his computer* "afraid not Tyson I'm reading a big beast life form embedded in that rock, it's Driger all right"

Tyson: "rats"

Rantaro: *jumping into Shu*"where"

Max: "poor guy"

Dunga: "aww don't cry boys save your tears for later, I even brought tissues"

y/n: "This guy is getting on my nerves"*mumbling*

Tyson: "I can't wait to see the look on that mug of yours Dunga when we take you down"

Ozuma: *smirking* "tough talk"

Dunga: "guess it's you and me then huh loudmouth"

Mariam: "oh give it a rest why don't you"

Dunga: "say what!"

Mariam: "I'm going up first got it"

Tyson: "I couldn't care less who I take on let's do this"

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