Chapter 13: Girlfriend!

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Shu's p.o.v

She hasn't talked to me since yesterday's incident


I got a email

Valt:"Shu what was that?"

Shu:"it's an email from principal Shinoda"

Keru (ken's puppet):"what does it say?"

Shu:"it says from next week we need to wear school uniforms which will be provided to us tomorrow during assembly"

The bey club:"WHAT!"

y/n:"arh why are you shouting for"

Valt:"we need to wear school uniforms from next week!"


Valt:"aren't you annoyed by the idea of wearing a uniform"

y/n:"why would I be annoyed by something like that?"

Wakiya:"I don't care if you're annoyed or not I totally hate this idea of wearing a uniform"

Valt:"what about you Shu how do you feel about wearing a uniform?"*turning towards me*

Shu:"well I'm quite okay with this idea"

Valt:"but don't you think it's kinda-



y/n:"there they go again"*sigh**facepalming*

Rantaro:"what do you mean again?"

y/n:"didn't you notice that they always fight Rantaro?"

Rantaro:"mm....... Yeah! I did"*chuckling*


Rantaro:"I heard that goldilocks"

Max:"guys don't you start fighting too two speakers in this house is more than enough"*coming inside the living room*

y/n:"why are they fighting for, now?"

Ray:"Hilary was trying to cook to impress you and a certain someone"

y/n:"why me?"

Valt:"and who's that certain someone?"

Ray:"that's not important right now what's important is why they're fighting"

y/n:"oh yeah then what happened"*curious*

Ray:"well Tyson said he wants to help but Hilary refused his help but you know how stubborn he is right?"

Max:"he took sugar instead of salt and poured it in the curry"*Finishing what Ray said*

Ray:"now they're fighting because the curry is ruined"

Kenny:"y/n please stop them it's really getting out of hand"

y/n:"well I can't always step in and stop them from fighting"

Max:"then how do we stop them?"

y/n:"try figuring it out on your own"*walking away*



Max:"how are we going to stop this fiasco without Manager's help"

Beru:"I'll try I always stop Rantaro and Valt when they fight"

Keru:"but I can't do it without Daigo's help"

Daigo:"okay I'll help"

Max:"friends it's not easy as you think it is"

Besu:"oh don't worry we'll be fine, come on Daigo"



~Time Skip~

Valt:"they're gone like forever"

Wakiya:"are they trying to remake the curry or something?"

Ken&Daigo:"we're back"

Ray:"what happened did they stop fighting?"

Besu:"we did stop them from fighting but we have to pay a price for that"

Daigo:"we have to take Hilary for shopping"

Everyone except ken,Shu and Daigo:"WHAT!"

Tyson:"wait where's manager?"

Max:"she just went to the garden to stop herself from getting angry I guess"

Tyson:"I'm not going to let her escape from this nightmare she's going to come with us"

'He said and went somewhere probably searching for y/n'

y/n:"Tyson I said I'm not coming"

Tyson:"No way I'm going to let you enjoy, your coming with us"*dragging y/n with him*

y/n:"Make me!"*stopping and crossing her arms*

~At the Mall~

Your p.o.v

y/n:"how did I get dragged into this"*mumbling*

Hilary:"y/n! Come over here and take a look at this dress it would look cute on you"*showing me a dress*

y/n:"I told you I'm not interested in buying anything"*huffing*

Hilary:"ah~ pretty please ~"

y/n:"no means no!"

Kai:"are you guys done"

y/n:"yeah come on we'll go"


'If you wanna know why I'm acting like this right now it's because I hate shopping, Huh? Who is he talking to?'

'I just saw Shu talking to a GIRL?'

She look so beautiful

y/n:*approaching them* umm Shu we're doing"

Shu:"hi y/n hi guys"

Tyson:"who is she?"*pointing towards the girl*

Shu:"Who her? Oh this is-

"Hi I'm Sakura I work for the BBA, Mr Dickenson told me so much about you I'm you biggest fan I just went to your Dojo but the old man there said all of you guys are at the shopping mall that's why I also can here"*rapidly shaking y/n's hand*

y/n:*sweat drop*"hi I'm blade breakers manager y/n Hagane"

Sakura:"I know everything about you guys your Tyson and you like to eat so much, your Ray and no one can beat you in a cooking competition, your Max you can make all girls fall for you just with your sweetness, your Kai you can scare everyone just with that emotionless face of yours"*pointing towards everyone*"and your.....who are you again?"*pointing towards Hilary*

Hilary:"I'm Hilary I'm Tyson's classmate"*bowing*

y/n:"ok then this is the bey cl-

Sakura:"no need to introduce them to me Shu already did that"

Shu:"he did but he's not a type of person to do that"*raising a eyebrow*

Sakura:"don't you know I'm Shu's-

Rantaro:"G-GIRLFRIEND! She's Shu's girlfriend"*stuttering*


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