Chapter 21: The Curse

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Previously on Love Of My Life

y/n: "but how did Madoka and Yu meet Dad?"

Gingka: "they met him last year during the battle bladers"

y/n: "oh"



Gingka: "woh why are you screaming in my ear"*covering his ears*

y/n: "how did you meet him"

Kyoya: "with our eyes"

Gingka: "wait don't tell me you haven't met Dad till now"

y/n: "he-he's alive!"

Gingka: "yeah"

y/n: "b-but he never came to meet me, Gingka do you think that Dad hates me"

Gingka: "hey don't think like that-

y/n: "I'm leaving"*running away*

Bey Club: "y/n wait!"

Gingka: "Sis come back!"*running behind her*

Valt: "will she be ok"

Kenta: "don't worry Gingka's with her"

Shu:*looking at the direction y/n ran*

y/n's p.o.v

I can't believe this Dad's alive but he only met Gingka and his friends did I do something wrong, does he hate me

Gingka: "Sis"*sitting near her*

y/n:*wiping the tears*"hmm"

Gingka: "why do you think Dad hates you"

y/n: "Gingka you know that when we were born there was a rule saying girls cannot beyblade right"

Gingka: "yeah The Villagers said you were a Curse to us because your a girl and was born in our family"

y/n: "yeah"*sigh*"do you want to know why I started blading?"

Gingka: "Sure"

y/n: "It started on our 3rd birthday-


Mom & Dad: "happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to y/n and Gingka happy birthday to you"*clapping*

The chef of the village: "it's a tradition to look at the future of the Hagane Family when they turn three so shall we start"

Ryo: "sure"

The soothsayer: "we'll look at the younger one first"*placing her hand on Gingka's head* "it says that he would defeat the forbidden demon and climb the stairs of success quickly"

The chef: "Gingka didn't let us down"

The Soothsayer: "ok your next"*placing her hand on y/n's head* "huh?"

The chef: "is something wrong"

The Soothsayer: "this Girl I can't see her future"

Linda (your mom): "what do you mean"

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