Chapter 23: The Journey to metal Bey city

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No one's p.o.v

Gingka: "y/n..........! Wake up"

y/n:*rubbing her eyes*"what's wrong with you!"

Gingka: "don't you wanna meet Dad!"

y/n:*jumping from the bed*"oh yeah I totally forgot about that"

Gingka: "your turning into a grandma"

y/n: "oh Shut up give me 10mins"*getting inside the bathroom*

~10mins later ~

Tyson: "Finally your ready"

y/n:*freezes*"w-what are you doing here?"

Ray:"you suddenly kicked us out yesterday and we were so worried about you"

Kenny: "and we're coming with you to metal Bey city"

y/n: "What! But why"

Max: "we're bored staying here"

Madoka: "the bey club said they'll meet us at the station"

y/n: "they're coming too!"metal


Kyoya: "I thought you would bring a bigger suitcase than Madoka"

Madoka: "Shut up Kyoya"

y/n:*lost in her own world*

Madoka: "y/n?"

y/n: "huh?"

Madoka:"your alright?"

y/n:"yeah I'm fine, just tired"

"YYYYYYY/NNNNNNN!"*hugging her*

Rantaro: "get off of her Valt!"

Valt:"y/n how are you feeling? Are you ok? Do you have a fever? Did you take any medicine? Did you sleep well last night? Di-

y/n: "Valt! I'm a human I can only answer one question at a time"

Valt: "oh yeah sorry"

Wakiya:"so how are you feeling?"

y/n: "hmm"*looks at Shu who's talking with Daigo*"not so good"

Wakiya:*looking at the same direction*"oh come on forget about him he doesn't deserve you, how about this you choose me I-*boink*

Rantaro:"stop pouring salt in her wounds, y/n just ignore what goldilocks said and do what you think is right!"

y/n:"thanks Honcho"*trying to smile*

Gingka: "everyone the train's here"*running*

Kenta:"wait up Gingka!"*running after him*

everyone was going towards the train but y/n was still standing on her spot

Shu:"y/n we should get going"

y/n: "Shu about yesterday's kiss-

Shu:"oh that don't worry I already forgot about it"

y/n: "forgot!"

Shu:"yeah, so you don't need to worry about it also it was just a dare"

y/n:*sad* "Shu do you know why I kissed you"

Shu:"because of the dare-

y/n: "so you think I would have kissed anyone if I was dared!"

Shu:"wait I-

y/n:"Shu! I genuinely like you! And I thought you would feel the same!"

Shu:"I'm sorry y/n but I like someone else"

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