Chapter 27: Challenge

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No one's p.o.v

y/n: "hey Shu~"

Shu: "if you're going to act like a psychopath again I'm leaving"

y/n: "aww"*pouting*

Shu: "what is it?"

y/n: "do you know that firefly is the opposite of waterfall?"

Shu: *sarcastic* "wow you're really good at this y/n"

y/n: "hehe, want to hear another one?"

Shu: "no thank you"

y/n: "aww pweeese"

Shu: "what?"

y/n: "what happens to the car if you press the break and the accelerator at the same time? Will it take a screenshot?"

Shu: *I'm done look*

y/n: "oh an-

Kiara: "hi Shu~ how was your break?"

Shu: "it- 

y/n: "it was good until you decided to show up"

Kiara: "I wasn't talking to you!"

y/n: "you are now"

Kiara: "I didn't ask"

y/n: "so then why are you listening?"

Kiara: "Shu~ look how she's treating me"*ignoring her comment*

Shu: *sweatdrop*

Kiara: "you're ugly"*towards you*

y/n: "I'm not your mirror"

Kiara: "what did you say!"

y/n: "screaming so much can make you deaf"

*everyone in the class started to snicker*

Kiara: "I hate you!"

y/n: "do you think I care?"

Kiara: "I can't stand you!"

y/n: "then sit down"

Kiara: "why you!"

y/n: *flicks her hair*

Shu: *whispering* "y/n that's enough"

y/n: "yeah I think so too, she's looks like she's going to throw a tantrum"

Kiara: "you think you're so good huh?"

y/n: "no I think I'm perfect" 

Kiara: *stomps over to her seat*

*lunch break on the rooftop*

y/n: "hey guy!"



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Rantaro: *someone save me*

Rantaro: *someone save me*

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Valt: "hi y/n!"

y/n: " hey Valt wanna hear a thought?"

Valt: "I-

Wakiya & Rantaro: "Nooooooo!"

y/n: "woh for once these two are in sync"

Keru: "it's because of you"

Besu: "did you leave your brain at home yesterday?"

y/n: "hehehe maybe"

"She has a brain?"

Everyone turned around to see Kiara standing there with a smug look

Shu: "Kiara stop insulting people"

Kiara: "oh I'm not insulting her I'm describing her"

y/n: *gritting my teeth*

Kiara: "someone's on fire"

y/n: "oh here" *stretching her hand"

Kiara: "what?"

y/n: "it's your nose, I found it in my business"

Kiara: *angry* "you little"

y/n: *sniffing the air* "something is burning, looks like someone is making a barbecue"

Besu: "when will this end?"

Keru: "these two are disturbing our practice"

y/n: *walks around Kiara in a circle"

Kiara: "what are you doing!"

y/n: "don't mind me I'm just looking for your mute button"

Kiara: "why you- *bell rings for the next period*

y/n: "looks like even the bell doesn't want to hear your voice"

Kiara: "you and me next week"

y/n: "sorry I don't have the intention of dating you"

Kiara: *trying to stay calm* "let's have a dancing contest"

y/n: "alright"

Kiara:*walks away*

Shu: "do you know how to dance?"

y/n: "a little bit"

Wakiya: *face palming* "then why did you agree"

y/n: "I didn't want to lose my face"

Wakiya: "fine! Starting from today I'll be your dance teacher"

Others: "What!"


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