Chapter 31: Saint Shields

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Previously on love of my life

y/n: 'she got 29 point if I need to beat her then I should get full score,  can I really beat her?'

Shu's p.o.v

Her performance was alright but the audience and the judges were really pleased can y/n beat her by getting a full score?

~somewhere else~

???: "don't back down hang in there!"

???: "smart hammer!"

???: "nooo!!!"

???: "I told you we should've called her!"

???: "you lost, Driger is ours now fair and square"

???: "there's no time to waste let's go"

???: *falls on the ground*

???: "Ray? Are you ok speak to us!"


y/n:'take a deep breath and calm down I have to win this or I'd lose to her and I don't want that'

The Presenter: "let's take a break and we'll be back"

~waiting room~

y/n: "her performance was perfect, no offense for Jungkook but mine looks like a sack race"

Shu: "what?"

y/n: "horrible!"*her phone rings*"huh? Why's Kenny calling me now"

Wakiya: "Kenny? The guy with the laptop from your team?"

y/n: *answers it* "hello?"

Kenny: "hello y/n we need your help! It's an emergency Ray's................"

y/n: "What! Why all of a sudden"

Kenny: "get here so then I'll explain the rest in person"*cuts the call*

y/n: "Kenn- *sigh*


Shu: "what happened?"

y/n: "my team needs my help right now"

Shu: "then go"

y/n: "what about the competition?"

Shu: *placing his hands on her shoulders* "what's more important competition? Or your team?"

y/n:'you but I can't say it out loud now can I?' *sigh* "I'll go then"*getting up*

Valt: "we're coming too"

y/n: "what?"

Valt: "we can't let you go alone"

Daigo: "I agree with Valt"

Shu: "the competition is gonna start in 5 minutes think about this and let us know"

Everyone walks out leaving y/n alone to think

y/n: "it's not about competition or my team, it's about you or my team"*sigh, and walks towards a room*

Knock knock

???: "come in"

y/n: "Kiara we need to take"


Kiara: "so let me get this straight you need to go to your teammates to help them so you want to do the bet some other time"


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