Chapter 34: The blading Bond

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Kenny's p.o.v

Sometimes I wonder if the saint shields team ever sleep they're always out to get us or should I say they're always out to get our bit beasts I mean that big ape Dunga had the nerves to challenge Kai, Kai knew he had to act fast or his bit beast would be captured too so he released Dranzer to head on Dunga's attacks, it did make things any easier battling on an roller coaster that's for sure, I thought Ray was just going to sit and watch the battle but I should've known better he's not that kind of guy, even though his bit beast was gone he was determined to get back in the fight. Luckily his bit beast Driger answered the call and somehow returned to the beyblade and got them back to action! Kai figures it was the power of positive thinking that did it but whatever it was it was just the break Kai needed to get him out of the jam he was in with Dunga. Together Dranzer and the New Driger united and were able to but the breaks on Dunga's bey and his Vortex Ape. Now that's what I call teamwork.

Ray: "you don't know how happy I am to have you back Driger"

Unfortunately Ozuma thought that was one too many victories for the bladebreakers so he vowed to get our bit beasts himself and he plans on starting with Tyson's bit beast Dragoon first but our manager had enough of standing by and watching so she came forward to Challenge Ozuma and the problem here is if she loses all of our bit beast would be captured by the saint shields

The air hung heavy with the smell of popcorn and forgotten dreams. The once vibrant amusement park was now a desolate wasteland, a twisted parody of its former glory. In the center of a cracked concrete stage, a lone spotlight pierced the gloom, illuminating two figures locked in an intense staredown. Y/N, stood firm, a manic glint in your eyes that mirrored the decaying park. Pegasus hummed with a raw, pulsating power in your hand. Opposite you loomed Ozuma, the ruthless leader of the Saint Shields, a predator circling a predator.

Ozuma: "This dilapidated playground will be a fitting tomb for your delusions, rookie. And don't forget, a loss here means surrendering everyone's Bit-Beasts to the Saint Shields."

Their Bit-Beasts were at stake, their very life force dependent on the outcome of this battle.

Y/N:*voice laced with a thrilling edge* "Don't worry, folks! This ramshackle arena is just the stage for a glorious victory! And those cuddly Bit-Beasts of yours? Well, let's just say the winner gets a front-row seat to the real show!"

The everyone exchanged terrified glances. Your words were cryptic, yet unsettling. Ozuma's brow furrowed, unsure if you were bluffing or genuinely unhinged.

Y/N:*grinning wildly* "Let's Battle!"

Ozuma: "Prepare to be crushed!"

Let it rip!

Both Bladers launched their Beyblades. Pegasus erupted into the center. Ozuma's Flash Leopard roared to life, its powerful Balance Type design spinning with terrifying stability. The beyclub gasped as Flash Leopard charged, aiming to overpower yours with brute force.

Shu: "look out!"

Y/N:*eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint* "Not so fast, Ozuma! Pegasus Galaxy Shield activate!

Pegasus responded with a feral shriek, its wings triggering an explosion of intense light that momentarily blinded Flash Leopard. The energy surge was so intense, it sent shockwaves through the already crumbling structures of the park.

Ozuma: *frustrated* "Unbelievable! Flash Leopard, break through that flimsy barrier!"

The ferocious Beyblade charged again, its claws glinting with menacing light. But she weren't done.

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