Chapter 10: Searching for y/n

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Shu's p.o.v

Where are you y/n? Why did you suddenly leave us, I really miss you where did you go I should find you as soon as possible*looking at his friends who's fighting*but I don't think I'll find you now with this clowns*sigh* you are still empty about what's going on right wait I'll fill you in....


We are now in bey town in the internet it says that bladebreakers team live in this town but we're not sure where though so we're searching all over the town but we got suck in a multilane that's where it all started

Valt:"I think we should go this way"*pointing at the right side path*

Wakiya:"how are you so sure I think we should go on this way"*pointing at the left path*

Rantaro:"shut up goldilocks we should go in the way Valt told"

Wakiya:"what if he's wrong we should do as I say"

Wakiya/Rantaro:"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah -

~Flashback ends~

Shu:"Excuse me do you know where the bladebreakers live?"


Shu:"can you please show me"

Kid:"yeah sure go straight on this road when you go straight you can see a bridge go past after you past the bridge take the first left and go straight there you can see a dojo that's where they all live"

Shu:"thanks for your help"

Kid:"bye bye"

Shu:"guys stop fighting come on let's go"

Rantaro:"which way?"

Valt/Wakiya:*pointing at their ways*"this way"


Shu:"no we should go straight"


~at the dojo~

y/n:"let it rip"*launching her Bey*

Hilary:"y/n Tyson still isn't waking up, what should we do"

y/n:"pour some Cold water on his face he'll wake up"

Ray:"we tried that too it didn't work"

y/n:"ok I'll come"*picking up her Bey*

~inside the dojo~

~inside the dojo~

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