Chapter 7: The Forbidden Bey Lightning L-drago

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~Previously on love of my life~

y/n lifted her head to see a tall male in a white leather suit adorned with a white jacket buttoned only over his collarbone laughing maniacally.
"Long time no see, y/n...!" Were the only words the male could spit out before bursting into another pit of laughter.

You're p.o.v

Is it him it can't be him right?what should I do oh my body is shaking I c-can't move "w-who are y-you?" "Did you forget about me y/n oh maybe I should remind you"as soon as he said that I saw a smirk formed in his lips.then he stepped out of the shadows it was...."R-Ryuga""oh so you remembered me after all, I thought I should teach you a lesson but it seems like you don't need that" as soon as he said that he burst into laughter.should I take my revenge or should I wait "y/n who is he and why did he interrupt your battle" Valt started to whine like a child.

Shu's p.o.v

Who is this guy, why did he have to interrupt our battle but it seems like they both know each other a billions of questions started to rise inside my head. Suddenly he started to approach y/n and she was... scared?
What is happening I never saw her this frightened something is not right

You're p.o.v

He is coming right towards me what should I do I'm in the state of crying.
I'm doomed no y/n this is not the right time to get scared I have to battle him and get revenge for what he did to me l have to battle him. I went near him and showed Pegasus "battle me now Ryuga!" his lips curled into a smirk? What is he thinking now?"seems like your Bey evolved but I have no interest in battling a weakling like you" he said and walked passed me."weakling ah or maybe you are scared that you'll lose""you sure have a big mouth, I'll battle you bring it!" Then I showed him Pegasus"say hello to Strike Pegasus""oh so you got a new toy to play with that's good"he's getting on my nerves right now "this is lightning L-drago"

"weakling ah or maybe you are scared that you'll lose""you sure have a big mouth, I'll battle you bring it!" Then I showed him Pegasus"say hello to Strike Pegasus""oh so you got a new toy to play with that's good"he's getting on my nerves right no...

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I already know that you idiot.
after examining our beys we got into our position
"Let it rip!"

after examining our beys we got into our position 321"Let it rip!"

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