Chapter 8: Memories

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You're p.o.v

What a boring day it's still raining when will this stop "y/n..........."I'm hundred percent sure it's Valt. I turned around"Valt I already told you stop shouting" "ok ok I'm sorry oh and by the way are you ok you were so down since yesterday's match against that Ryuga guy" "yeah Valt I'm ok" actually I'm not ok how can I lose to that guy"ok if you say so"and silence spread across the corridor"do you wanna battle after this?" I'm not in a mood for a battle Valt but how how can I say that to you"yeah sure" "yes! come to the rooftop during lunch so we can battle ok"there he goes running through the crowd like a sonic*sigh*

~at lunch break~

No one's p.o.v

y/n and the beyclub members have arrived at the rooftop but guess what their captain is still absent."where is he, he's always late" Rantaro was complaining about Valt's lateness
"Sorry I'm late" "there you are finally if you haven't showed up yet I was planning on battle y/n instead of you"Wakiya shouted.
Valt:*scratches the back of his head*"he he sorry shall we start y/n?"

y/n:"yeah"*with a gloomy look*

Shu's thought: something's wrong with y/n she's acting strangely

Daigo:"really set"*raising his hand
"Let it rip"
Valt launched valtryek with full force.
As y/n was going to launch an image of Ryuga laughing appeared in front of her and her launch speed decreased now Pegasus is wiggling around the stadium.
Valtryek threw Pegasus out of the stadium with only one hit.

Valt's p.o.v

y/n picked her bey up and started walking away "y/n" "I'm gonna take a walk"she said "what's wrong with you y/n tell us we could help you"Hancho said blocking her way "leave me alone"that's the only thing she said before walking away. I cannot stay here like this I have to talk to y/n.

~timeskip after school~

Right after school finished y/n went home she acting really weird. as I was searching for y/n I found her sitting on the grass field.

y/n:"oh what up Valt"

Valt:"stop acting y/n, don't you trust me I thought we were friends, friends help each other when their in trouble."

y/n:*patting next to her*"ok Valt I'll tell you."

Valt went near y/n an sat down carefully listening to her.

"The story starts when I lived in the town where I was born Coma"

"The story starts when I lived in the town where I was born Coma"

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