Chapter 33: battle at the bit-beast Corral (part 2)

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Previously on love of my life

Mariam: "Sharkrash!"*with tears*

The her bey pushes Draciel away

Kenny: "woah she fought it off, they're both losing power"

Both beys stopped spinning

Daigo: "it's a Draw"

Max: "I don't believe it.... Draciel!"*running towards his bey*"what happened the turnaround it went down so fast something must have gone horribly wrong"*clenching his bey*

Dizzy: "when in doubt blame Tyson, it works for Hilary"

y/n: "all data aside my hunch is that Sharkrash responded to Mariam's emotions and fought back hard"

Mariam:*picking up her bey*"my emotions?"

Dunga: "don't scare us like that"

Joseph: "we all thought you were a toast sis"

Tyson: "it was a draw remember"

Dizzy: "we draw the line at draws so draw your own confusion ah conclusion you know what I mean"

y/n: "why are you blabbering nonsense dizzy"

Dizzy: "I'm trying to be funny"

Joseph: "what's bugging you sis this isn't like you"

Ozuma: *whispering* "Mariam you haven't forgotten about our mission have you"

Mariam: "oh of course not I know why were here"

Ozuma: "good listen up guys when I give the signal in the next battle back Mariam up"

Mariam: "huh?"

Joseph: "yeah sure thing"

Dunga: "if she can't handle it you can count on us Ozuma"

Ozuma: "all right Mariam stay loose out there, focus, don't make us clean up your mess"

They walk away leaving Mariam on the spot

y/n: "hey"

Mariam: "huh?" *Turns around*

y/n: "I hate you specially that mouth of yours I feel like ripping it but listen I'll give you an advise a wise man said that if something is bothering you you should follow your heart"

Mariam: "what do you mean"

y/n: "I heard what you guys were talking about and I also know that you kinda trust Max so just do what you want to do don't be pressured by what others tell you and bare this in mind I'm not trying to help you"

Mariam: "thanks" *looking down*

y/n: "no problem"*goes to ger friends*

Hilary: "never give up never say die"

Max: "that's our Max ruthless but in a good way"

Ray: "right on the match is yours buddy"

Kai: "just give it your all"

y/n: "you can do it max just believe in yourself and Draciel"

Max: *nods* "I got it, let's go"


Max: "you ready Mariam?"

Mariam: "oh you bet"

Us: "3"

The saint shields: "2"

Everyone: "1"

"Let it rip!"

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