Chapter 26: Shower Thoughts

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y/n's p.o.v

Wakes up and gets ready for school, 

y/n: "I wish I could just stay at home"*Riding her bicycle*

"Heyyyyyy yyyy/nnn!"

y/n: "Valt! Stop screaming early in the morning!"

Valt: "hehe sorry!"

y/n: "it's fine, I feel like annoying someone today"*slowly turns towards Valt*

Valt: "don't look at me, go annoy Shu if you want"

y/n: "oh that's a great idea!"*evil smirk*

y/n: "oh that's a great idea!"*evil smirk*

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Valt: *sweat drop*

~Time Skip~

y/n: "hey Shu"

Shu: "Hi y/n"

y/n: "Hey Shu Firetrucks are actually water trucks"

Shu: *confused* huh?

y/n: "If a fly loses its wings, is it now called a walk?"

Shu: "Are you alright?"

~Lunch time on the rooftop ~

Valt: "Let it Rip!"

Rantaro: "it's still off"

Valt: "aww man-

Shu: *catching his breath*

Wakiya: "what's wrong with you?"

Shu: "y/n....."

Besu: "what happened to her, oh she's here"

Shu: "What!" *shivering*

Rantaro: What's wrong Dude?"

Shu: "she's making me go crazy!"

Keru: "we already know that"

Shu: "not like that! She's saying stupid things"

Wakiya: "I don't thinks so"

Shu: "then why d-

y/n: "Guys.... If you stab a cereal box are you a serial killer"

Wakiya: "well if you do it to choco pops I'll come after you myself anything else... you did this world a favor"

Shu: "don't encourage her!"

y/n: "Neil A. Armstrong is the first person to land on moon; Neil A. Spelt backwards is Alien.

Rantaro: *thinking* that's actually righ!"

Shu: "seriously?"

y/n: " the opposite of Microsoft office is Macrohard onfire"

Keru: "this is getting out of hand"

Shu: "I told you not to encourage her didn't I?"

y/n: "guys.... Have you'll ever wondered why the pizza box is square, the pizza is circle and the slice is triangle."

Rantaro: *dumbfounded*

y/n: "doctors hope you get sick, cops hope you're a criminal, lawyers hope you get sued, mechanics hope you have car problems but only a thief  wishes you prosperity.

Shu:*internally screaming*

y/n: "guys..... if you work as a security in a Samsung store does that make you guardian of the galaxy?"



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y/n: " if you're waiting for the waiter aren't you the waiter"

Shu: "y/n... please stop!"

y/n: "the word nun is just the letter 'n' doing a cartwheel"

Wakiya: *staring at space* "what is life"

y/n: "reading a book is looking at a dead tree and hallucinating"

Shu: "I'm starting to second guess my life choices"

y/n: "if I weigh 99 pounds and eat a 1 pound nacho am I 1 percent nacho?"

Shu: "I don't know about that, but I'm sure you'll be sent to the hospital"

y/n: "if apple made a car would it still have windows?"

Rantaro: "did she eat something funny?"

y/n: " if you clean a vacuum cleaner aren't you the vacuum cleaner?"

Shu: "y/n this has to stop you already made Wakiya questioning everything he ever known"

Wakiya: "what is life?"

y/n: "why is bacon called bacon and cookies called cookies if you cook bacon and bake cookies."

Keru: " I'm thinking of joining Wakiya"

y/n: "guys.... Do clothes in china say made down the road"

Besu: "poor guy he couldn't take it anymore" 


Shu: "this madness has to end!"

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Shu: "this madness has to end!"

y/n: "are oranges names orange because oranges are orange, or oranges named orange because oranges are orange"

Keru: "did she seriously say orange 8 times in a sentence and it actually makes sense?"

Shu: "I had enough of this"*lifts her up*

y/n: " hey!"

Shu: "oh so now you act like a human instead of a psychopath!"

Keru: "where are you taking her"

Shu: "to the history classroom"

y/n : what! Nooooooooo-

Daigo: "what are we going to do with this three"

Valt: *unconscious*

Rantaro: *unconscious*

Wakiya: *questioning life*

Keru and Besu: *shrug*


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