Chapter 35: Under the stadium lights

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The crimson hues of dusk painted the sky above Tyson's dojo, casting long shadows across the battered training mats. The former adversaries – the Bladebreakers and the Beigoma Academy Beyclub – sat in a circle, a newfound camaraderie replacing the past tensions. The captured Saint Shields, still under guard, watched silently. The air crackled not with animosity, but with the buzz of shared strategies and a united front.

Her arm throbbed faintly, a constant reminder of the battle, but the victory thrummed stronger through  Y/N's veins. Across from her stood Shu, his face still etched with a stoic mask that couldn't hide the faintest hint of a relieved smile playing at the corner of his lips. It had been a long day of revelations. Ozuma's warning had turned out to be a misunderstanding, fueled by misinformation and suspicion. The true enemy? A rogue Beyblade organization seeking to control the competitive Beyblade scene through ruthless tactics.

As the group dispersed, planning for the upcoming showdown, Y/N lingered behind, catching Shu's attention with a hesitant wave. He waited by the doorway, his posture relaxed for the first time since they'd met.

y/n: "Hey"

Y/N greeted, her voice laced with a shyness uncharacteristic of her usual bravado.

Shu offered a slight smile.

Shu: "We did good today," *with a hint of satisfaction*

y/n: *grinning* "We did, didn't we? Though, I can't believe we almost ended up fighting you guys again."

Shu chuckled, a soft sound that sent a shiver down Y/N's spine.

Shu:  "Misunderstandings have a way of doing that." *He paused, his gaze flickering to her bandaged arm* "Is your arm alright?"

y/n: "Just a little bruised,"

Y/N assured him, flexing her hand gingerly.

y/n: "It'll be fine, all thanks to Hilary's expert care."*smiling*

He nodded, his eyes lingering on hers for a bit too long. The air crackled with unspoken emotions, a dance their hearts had been playing since their first clash.

Shu: "You were reckless out there,"*in a low murmur*

Y/N met his gaze, her heart hammering in her chest.

y/n: "Maybe so," she countered, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "But someone had to take a chance."

A blush crept up Shu's neck, a rare sight that sent a flutter of excitement through Y/N. He cleared his throat, averting his gaze for a moment.

Shu: "Thank you," *his voice barely above a whisper* "For everything."

Y/N's breath hitched.

The space between them seemed to shrink, the setting sun casting a warm glow on their faces. Y/N took a tentative step forward, her heart pounding in her ears.

Shu: "There's something…"

Shu began, his voice breaking slightly. He stopped, his eyes searching Y/N's face.

y/n: "What is it?" Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible.

Shu closed the distance between them, his hand reaching out to gently tuck a stray strand of hair behind Y/N's ear. Their breath mingled in the air, the tension thick and sweet.

Shu: "Maybe," *murmured, his voice husky* "friends can turn into something more."

Y/N's heart soared. A smile bloomed on her face, bright and genuine. She leaned forward, the tip of her nose brushing against Shu's cheek.

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