Chapter 16: Evolution time "Galaxy Pegasus"

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Your p.o.v

Me, the bey club and the blade breakers are at the bey park beyblading

Tyson:"go dragoon!"

Valt:"Valtryek show them what you got!"

Well it's so quiet today only the sound of beys clashing against each other can be heard


Valt:"aww man I lost!"*whining*

Tyson:"don't worry about it so much be happy that you lost to a world Champion"

Hilary:"ok ok stop showing off so much"

Tyson:"Why are you jealous?"

Hilary:"of course not ok who's next"

Besu:"I'll go next"

Keru:"I'm not going to show mercy"

y/n:"I'll go against you"

Besu:"what I thought you were not interested in battling today"

y/n:"my pegasus is craving for a battle right now as it's friend I have to give what it asks right"

Beru:"we're doomed"

Keru:"don't loose hope we can win against her"



Hilary:"ready set"

"Let it rip!"

Both beys were launched into the stadium Kerbeus went straight to the center and pegasus spins around the stadium

y/n:"pegasus star launch!"

Pegasus dives towards Kerbeus and starts to attack it but Kerbeus doesn't have any damage

Tyson:"Kerbeus didn't even move a inch from it place"

Max:"it's because it's a defense type bey"

Kenny:"Max is right Tyson Kerbeus's has a thick layered fusion wheel and it can absorb the opponents attacks"

Ray:"I never seen a powerful bey like this one"

Kai:"y/n has a disadvantage because her bey is an Attack type and every attack type beys are weak against defense type beys"

y/n:'think y/n think there must be a way to break through his defense but how.......... It's like a wall is protecting Kerbeus from Pegasus's attacks................ yeah right it's a wall and it can only defend the attacks from the side then I can attack him from up why didn't I think of this sooner'*smirking*"fly! Pegasus!"

Keru & Besu:"huh?"

Shu:'what is she trying to do?'

y/n:"special move pegasus star blast attack!"

Pegasus flew up and came down in a speed of light there was smoke all over the place and


Hilary:"star pegasus with a burst finish y/n is the winner"

Valt:"wow y/n! That was amazing pegasus was like woon swoon swosh boom kabaam- y/n? y/n!"


Rantaro:"what happened are you thinking about that Ryuga again"

y/n:"no it's not that"


y/n:"I'm thinking of upgrading pegasus"


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