Chapter 29: Workout

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y/n: "oh Really? I'm glad then come here I'll spread it all over you"

Kiara: "Do you not have any shame to be hanging out with boys all the time? Oh I forgot you don't know what shame is"

y/n: "you've spent your entire life sticking your nose in other people's business why not take a day off "

Kiara & y/n:*bickering*

Rantaro: "Shu stop this catastrophe"

Shu: "ask a cat to do it"*ignores*

A random cat on the roof: 'what did I do?'

Keru: "how did a normal training session end up like this?"

Besu: "it started when Wakiya dragged y/n to the gym"

Wakiya: "stop blaming me!!"


y/n: "why!!!"*whining*

Wakiya: "because it's part of your training now get up!"*dragging her*

y/n: "I don't wanna go to the gym"

Wakiya: "you're going and that's final"

~ in the gym~

Waking: "first set-up the treadmill on normal speed and walk normally this would let the blood circulation increase"

y/n: "ok"*starts walking*

???: "eww there are sweaty sponge on the treadmill"

y/n: "Kiara??"

Kiara: "fancy seeing you here y./.n"

y/n: "you must've been blind or you never worked out untill today"

Kiara: "shut it"

y/n:"aww is someone embarrassed because she's been found?"*mocking*

Kiara: "we'll see who'll feel embarrassed next week"

y/n:"annoying brat"

Kiara: "eww don't even come near me or you'll spread your dumb nature"

y/n: "oh Really? I'm glad then come here I'll spread it all over you"

Kiara: "Do you not have any shame to be hanging out with boys all the time? Oh I forgot you don't know what shame is"

y/n: "you've spent your entire life sticking your nose in other people's business why not take a day off "

Kiara & y/n:*bickering*

Flashback ends

Shu: *sigh*

Rantaro: "alright you two stop it!"

Kiara & y/n : "Shut up!"

y/n: "you can't tell him to shut up, he's my friend"

Kiara: "I don't have to follow anyone's orders"

y/n: "you're so ann-

Kiara: "annoying? Hah! You're so predictable, I could write your next move in my sleep."

y/n: *smirking* ""Challenge accepted. Write me a bedtime story then, because I'm wide awake with anticipation!"

Kiara: *gritting her teeth* "where did you even learn these from"

y/n: "I can easily make one using MY brain which you don't have"

Kiara: "why would I need your dumb brain anyway I have my own"

They kept bickering until the Gym owner came and kicked them out

Kiara: "it's all your fault!"

y/n: "how is it my fault when you're the one who started it"

Kiara: "maybe they don't like ugly people"

y/n: "wh-

Wakiya: *drags her away* "see ya"

Other follow him except Kiara

y/n: "Wakiya! Let go of me I want to give her a piece of my mind!!!"

Wakiya: what you two did in the gym is enough"

Keru: "it was so embarrassing"


y/n: "but-

Wakiya: "stop making excuses you haven't trained even a little bit"

Shu: "why don't we try this"

y/n: "another workout?!? Noon!"

Shu: "it's not a workout"

Wakiya: "what is it then"

Shu: "from what we saw and know
y/n has a big mouth"

y/n: "hey! My mouth is average size!"

Shu:*sigh* "I meant you talk alot"

y/n: "oh hehehe*

Shu: "so instead of making her dance for a song why don't we try making her sing that song it might help with dancing"

Wakiya: "that's..... A brilliant idea I was thinking the same thing"*putting him arm around Shu's shoulder* "we both think the same way Shu"

Others except Shu: * 😑*



Sorry for just making fight scenes I wrote this during my exam week so it was really rushed and also I found out that when you start a story you write it for fun or because you like these type of stories but as the chapters goes by you just write it because you want to maintain it but when you compare the one you wrote in the start and the latest chapter you wrote you'll notice the difference. I found out that I might be doing the same so I'll try to make it better also I didn't mean that all of you do it. You're books are always amazing keep it up!

[ A small request if you can tell me in the comments which one one my chapters you like the most and why it would help me alot]

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