Chapter 6: battle between the Legends

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No one's p.o.v

y/n pressed a small cream-colored cloth against Pegasus's fusion wheel and dusted off leftover granite and tile from its curved body. After she'd double-checked with her trusty flashlight and toothpick, she shaped the pieces back into their respective places and tightened them all together to form her famous attack-type bey. Once she'd finished this task, she spun away from her table in her spinny-chair. Of course, she had to spin straight to her large collection of marbles that were splayed all over the floor, and went airborne before falling onto the floor with a painful "Oomph".
The female pulled herself up into a propped position with her elbows and pulled a string of whatever was left of her old sweater from her hair. After making sure no other loose debris from the jungle known as her room wasn't in her hair, she pulled herself up to her feet and dusted off her over-sized shirt.
She darted her e/c eyes to the left to take a quick side-glance of what time it was. Once she was able to make out the numbers on her miniature clock, she gawked. "Two in the morning?!" She squeaked. "Ooh crap, I've only got four hours until I'm supposed to be at work tomo-I mean today. What'll I do?" She fretted as she paced back and forth in her cramped room.(it's you're part time job ok don't get confused) She didn't have much time to get any real sleep, and she didn't need to do any more cosmetic work on Pegasus.
y/n layed her face into her left hand as her right hand passed over her dresser drawer. She looked over into said drawer and found just about nothing in there but a few shirts, two pairs of pants, and a single sock. This gave her an idea of what to do with the four hours she had to kill.

~Time Skip~

Within thirty minutes, y/n had stocked her drawers full with clean, neatly folded clothing, placed all her socks together in a fancy-like fashion, and even took about five minutes to replace an older drawer that had recently been broken.
y/n rubbed her blood-shot eyes to clear away sleepiness. "Okay, three hours and thirty minutes, what to do, what to do ..." y/n muttered as she trailed off into thought about things she could do. As she passed by her kitchen, she noticed her stomach rumbling demandingly. "Geez, I'm starving!" She commented as she pulled out a pan and a carton of eggs. "I guess breakfast couldn't hurt." She figured as she coated the pan in non-stick spray.
Fifteen minutes passed before y/n flipped three eggs in a pan one more time and placed them onto her plate, followed by two pieces of bacon and a biscuit. Before she left the kitchen, she picked up a bottle of maple syrup and some jelly while on her way to her living room.
y/n sat her plate onto her table and picked up her remote, flicking it onto Saturday morning cartoons. She shifted herself into a comfy position and stared in amazement as Spongebob tried desperately to teach Squidward to blow a bubbles.

y/n was still in a trance of strong interest when her alarm went blaring into her dim room. She nearly leaped out of her skin and muted her television instinctively. Sighing, she wriggled her work shirt onto her upper body and dropped her long since empty plate into the sink before stuffing her bey into her pocket and heading off for work.
y/n arrived ten minutes late, but it seemed she had never needed to be in a rush.

A good hour had passed before a tired bell rang its squeaky sound into the once silent restaurant. y/n flicked her head up to see a familiar blueberry-headed male running up to the ordering counter. y/n wanted so badly to pretend Valt didn't exist so he would sometime leave, but she knew too well from past experience he wasn't going to leave until he got what he wanted.

 y/n wanted so badly to pretend Valt didn't exist so he would sometime leave, but she knew too well from past experience he wasn't going to leave until he got what he wanted

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She dragged her lazy legs over to the cash register where Valt was waiting, excited as ever.
y/n met Valt in front of the counter and lifted her eyebrow. "How can you possibly be so energetic at seven in the morning?" She asked the blueberry-headed boy. Before Valt could answer, Toko came dashing in. y/n lowered her head. She would be lucky if she got out of this alive and with her sense of hearing.
Toko hopped up and down so he could be seen from over the counter as he responded, "'Because you and Shu are gonna have a huge battle in a little while!" Toko yapped loudly. y/n was sure that, if anyone was around to hear anything, she would already be bombarded with cameras and such. Of course she'd forgotten all about the battle she'd promised the Albino boy later on that day.
"And exactly when will this battle be taking place?" She asked, trying miserably to hide the fact she'd lost all thought of it until Toko had mentioned it, and failed while doing so.
"Thirty minutes from now!" Valt replied happily. y/n deadpanned. "Wait...Thirty minutes?! Why so early?" She yelped. She could already guess why, but wanted to hear from Valt and Toko before she made a conclusion. "Well, Shu said he wanted to go ahead and get it over..." Toko responded. y/n dropped her head until it was only a few inches from the register she hovered over. "Great..." She muttered sarcastically.

~Time Skip

Within the thirty minutes she'd been given to be ready for her battle with Shu, y/n had already prepared Pegasus, cleaned up her work station, and changed into proper clothing that was meant to be torn into shreds during a heated battle with a world-class blader. She was dragged out by Nika, Valt, and Toko to a nearby stadium-like dip in the ground where Shu was waiting. He seemed to have grown quite bored, and feel into a nap. Only a warning glare from Nika kept Valt from doodling all over Shu's face with a permanent black marker.
After Shu had been awoken, both Shu and y/n had both prepared for their battle. All that stood in the way of loud clashing sounds and swirling winds was Nika's slow counting.
"Three...Two...One...Let It Rip!" Nika called out. Shu immediately shot out Sprizen, who was followed closely by Pegasus. Winds immediately ripped through the once still air and pierced y/n's thin clothing. She was already freezing, but chose quickly to ignore that in favor of staying focused on the battle she was fighting in front of her.
"Go Pegasus!" y/n shrieked at her bey, which spun straight for Sprizen. The red bey narrowly escaped her attack, earning a few scratches while dodging the close-aimed strike. y/n gritted her unnaturally sharp teeth together as Sprizen teasingly circled her bey. She'd long since had enough of this...She swiftly decided to go ahead and finish this battle before the entire city woke up and began to crowd around with cameras and all.
"Okay, Pegasus. Let's finish this. Special Move: Pegasus star booster attack !" y/n cried out to her bey, which gave a pale pink aura while gaining speed and traction. Blinding white light sparkled in the stadium and temporarily blinded y/n.
Once y/n successfully regained her eyesight, she peered into the stadium. She hadn't stopped Sprizen's rotation, but it was sure wobbly. She saw this as her chance and edged closer to the stadium. "Let's get this over with!" She called out.
Before Pegasus could make contact with Sprizen, a flash of red filled her vision and she was knocked to the ground. once she could make out the scene before her, she saw that both Sprizen and Pegasus were no longer spinning. A single purple bey spun swiftly in the center of the stadium. A husky laughter filled the slightly ringing air. y/n lifted her head to see a tall male in a white leather suit adorned with a white jacket buttoned only over his collarbone laughing maniacally.
"Long time no see, y/n...!" Were the only words the male could spit out before bursting into another pit of laughter.

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