Welcome to the Hunter Exam!

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Once you arrived at the exam site you got a number from a woman who seemed to be in her 20s. "Here is your number mam" She handed you a number plate with the number 101 on it.

"Damn I thought I was early," Before you could walk around to find people to talk to you heard a voice that seemed to be calling you.

"Hey, you're a rookie right?!" You turned to see an overweight man in what seemed to be a blue jumpsuit with the number 16 number plate "Wow he got here super early! He must be really good!" You nodded to respond to his question before he continued "I'm Tonpa" He shook your hand while continuing "it's my 35th attempt to pass the exam!' He said more proud then he should've.

"35th?! please don't tell me its that hard!"

"35th?!" You said with a shocked tone.

"Yep," he said while rubbing the back of his neck from embarrassment.

Realizing your rudeness you quickly apologized," I'm sorry for sounding so shocked Tonpa-san!" You bowed to him.

"No worries!" he replied with a smile "here" he handed you an orange can of juice "to celebrate our acquaintance you can drink this!"

"Thank you Tonpa-san!" After drinking the beverage you thanked him again then climbed the pillars and sat on a ledge to scope the crowd. About an hour or two later you saw three people enter the site together and were being greeted by Tonpa-san. Making your way over to them you couldn't help but overhear the conversation.

"Tonpa-san, I think this juice is expired. It tastes weird." The boy with spikey dark green hair said while the tall blonde behind silently poured his out.

"Expired?" You questioned as you approached them.

Turning to you they all stared at you, two of them with something in their eyes you couldn't quite describe. You stood in front of them in silence for a good minute or two (Tonpa used this time to silently escape) before the boy with spiky hair spoke. "Oh hi, I'm Gon! You didn't drink the juice, did you?! It was expired and could give someone bad stomach problems if drank" he said worriedly while taking a slow step towards you.

"I did" you replied while rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly then realized his widened eyes. "But don't worry! I drank it an hour ago it had no effect on me!" you smiled sweetly. 'It's nice how worried he was about me even though we just meet'

"I see! Well like I said early I'm Gon, Gon Freecss!" He held his shand out to you and smiled "And you are?" 'Freecss...that last name seems so familiar!"

Shaking his hand I replied, "I'm Sakura, Sakura Hiroki, but you can call me Saki!" You returned his smile then look over towards the two men behind him. "And what are your names!"

The blonde man stepped forward and shook my hand "Im Kurapika and thats Leorio." He said giving me a warms smile which I melted at. 'He's cute just like Gon! But his cuteness has a more mature feel and look to it.' I returned his smile like I did to Gon.

"Nice to meet you all!" You said cheerfully. After that, you all talked until a tall man announced that the first phase was about to start.

Is this love?Killua x OC  x Kurapika x GonWhere stories live. Discover now