Traveling to Zevil Island

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You all stepped outside the Trick Tower to find a small man with mischievous glasses and a purple Mohawk. 'This must be the examiner behind the trick tower' you thought to yourself.

He introduced himself as Lippo before explaining that you all only had two more parts of the exam left, the Forth phase and the Final phase.

Lippo snapped his finger, cueing another man to roll out a box. He explained that the next phase would take place on Zevil Island, across the body of water behind him. The box beside him was to draw numbers, inside it was a number for all 25 applicants. Whatever number we draw determines who we will hunt, but more importantly who hunts us.

We weren't told the specific rules of the next phase yet, but Lippo called up the first person to draw a number. We went in the order that we completed the trick tower, meaning we would be last.

You took note of everyone.
First was number 44 aka Hisoka, the clown looking dude from earlier who you interacted with briefly on the blimp while traveling to phase 3.

Next was the creepy needle guy who moved in jagged movements, number 301 aka Gitarrackur.

After him...or it....was number 294, a bald ninja looking applicant with a red scarf.

You tried your best to keep track of each applicant drawing their number was a lot for you to remember.

Finally it was your groups turn.

Kurpika went first, then Killua, Gon, you, then last was Leorio.
After everyone drew  Lippo prompted us to remove the sticker, revealing a number corresponding to the applicant we're supposed to hunt. Everyone gasped and tensed, immediately covering or removing their number.

Luckily you remembered your target....number 301, the creepy needle dude. You looked around nervously, wondering if your friends picked your number.

Lippo then explained the goals of the next phase. We have to gain 6 points to make it past this phase. Your targets button is worth three points but so is your own, all other buttons are one point. There are no rules on how you get the button, even death is acceptable.


Once on the boat, traveling to the next phase Khara, a bubbly girl with short and fluffy orange hair, explained that it would take two hours to travel to Zevil Island. Poor girl tried to lighten the mood, but everyone was to focused. Luckily if anyone failed at this point they had a ticket back to retry next long as they didn't die.

You made your way over to Leorio and Kurpika who were sitting side by side. They were asking what would happen if either of them hypothetically had eachother. "Well since neither of you will say it I will" you laughed at them "I don't have either of you"

They relaxed a bit and agreed, they didn't show their numbers to you but assured that neither of them had you or even a member of your now close group. This made you feel a bit better but you were still a bit sad they didn't trust you with their numbers, you were hoping to help or even hunt together if it made sense to.

You made your way over to Killua and Gon who were laughing together hoping to feel a bit better. 'They're so positive despite the stressful situation'

"Mind if I join you" you asked before sitting down, inviting yourself.

"Not at all! In fact we were just about to show eachother our numbers, wanna join?" Gon asked you. Immediately you nodded, happy that they're sharing 'That must mean we don't have eachother'.  You took out your button and on the count of three you all showed the numbers.

Gons showed 44
Killuas showed 199
And yours of course was 301

"Rough luck" Killua said "Isn't 44 the first one who passes the tower?" Gon nodded. "Do you know who yours is Sakura?"

You nodded as well "'s that creepy dude in green" they both looked over to who you pointed at and got chills. "What about you?"

"Nah I have no clue" killua said nonchalantly.

"Isn't 199 one of the brothers?" You asked.

"Really?!" Killua asked "I didn't start paying attention until after he said what the numbers were for but by then everyone took off their buttons, lame if you ask me. Thanks Sakura!"

"No problem! I don't remember which brother it is exactly but I'm sure it's one of them" you smiled at each other, happy that you could help your friend.

You both noticed that Gon was uncharacteristically quiet. He was focused obviously thinking to himself. "Are you happy or scared?" Killua asked him.

He took a moment to think about Killuas question before responding "Both"

Killua chuckled at his answer and got up with his skate board "Don't die guys" he said while walking away.

"Yes, good luck to us." Gon replied still a little distracted.

You stayed with Gon, a bit worried about the next phase. "I hope we all make it" you said quietly as you rested your head on his shoulder. Gon hummed, agreeing with you.

Then you both waited to arrive at the island.
When we arrived at the island a board was thrown down to connect the boat with the island sand. Khara, the bubbly attendant from before explained more rules to begin. She explained that we would disembark in the same order as before, first completed to last. Meaning we would all be last again. There would also be a two minute buffer in between each applicant. We have a week to gather our points and return to the boat. A week to survive.

First, just like before, was Hisoka. Then of course your target, Gitarrackur-the creepy needle dude. 'What a weird name'

Each applicant went one by one until it was finally our groups turn. Kurapikas turn, you wished him luck but the worry on your face was evident. He patted your head, trying to comfort you before leaving. Next was Killua and Gon. You wished them luck just like you did for Kurapika. Killua was nonchalant and took his time while Gon raced into the woods.

Now it was your turn. Leorio, being your only friend left on the boat, wished you luck as you departed the boat.

'So it begins'

Authors Note:
Like I mentioned in the last part let me know who you want to spend time with in the next phase! I already have lots of idea but am trying to wait to write the next part until I get some comments with my readers opinions.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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