Phase 3: The Trick Tower (part 1)

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Beans made an announcement over the intercom announcing that we arrived at the site for the next phase of the exam.

I ran to the nearest window to see where we were to find a full green forest of trees surrounding a tall tower with some type of spike at the top.

We all made our way onto the tower after exiting the blimp. Beans then explained to us the we were standing on top of a Trick Tower and that our goal was to make it to the bottom alive and within 72 hours.

"Do you think we need to climb down?" Leorio asked as you and the others gathered near the edge, taking note at how exactly how high up you were.

Just as he asked a man tried to show off his rock climbing skills but was eaten by a horrible four legged beast with a giant mouth and wings....
"I'm gonna take that as a no"

You grimaced a bit as Kurapika comforted you. Of course you've seen much worse but you still can't help but feel bad for the guy, who knows if he deserved it.

The group then split up to look around. Kurpika and Leorio went one way as you Gon and Killua went the other. "Hey guys look," you pointed at the other candidates "there's a lot less people here now, where did they go?"

Just as you pointed out the lack of people from earlier, another applicant went missing, sliding down through a trap door of some kind.

"Let's check it out!" Gon said as he went to the trap door. We all tried pushing it down to enter it as well but it wouldn't budge.

"It's no use" killua said after kicking the tile "let's look to see if there's more"

After finding 5 more tiles in a different area we called over Kurapika and Leorio to fill them in on what we found. "Great work kids!" Leorio said happily. Kurpika then pointed out that it's suspicious that there were that many tiles, that some could be traps.

"Looks like we might have to split up now..." you said with an obvious sadness in your voice.

"Hey it will be okay," Kurpika said in attempts to comfort you

"Yeah I'm sure we will all get through this tower! Let's just all agree there's no hard feelings, even if kurpika is right and some are traps"  Gon said

You all agreed and although you were hesitant and didn't want to separate, knew you had no choice if you wanted to pass.
"Okay let's do this"

You all counted down and jumped onto your individual tiles down into the tower on the count of three.

You all landed in the same room gracefully...well all expect Leorio. You Gon and Killua turned to each other and laughed. "Well that was a short goodbye"

"Hey look!" You said as you saw a podium with 5 bracelets.

Above the sign read
"The five who must find their way down together by consensus of the majority."

You all put on the bracelets and examined them. It was silver in color with the 72 hour count down at 71:19:02 and two buttons bellow it, one a circle and the other an x.

Once you all put your bracelets a door appeared behind a trap wall.

So it begins

Is this love?Killua x OC  x Kurapika x GonWhere stories live. Discover now