First Phase Part 2

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As you backed away from the boys you could hear Gon yelling for you. You panicked and started running in the opposite direction. 'Why am I panicking like this?!' Breaking yourself from your thoughts you ran into a certain blonde causing the two of you fall in a rather awkward position. You winced in pain from the contact with floor and closed your eyes. Some how the two of you fell into a position where his body was hovering over yours making is look like he pinned you down. "Sakura are you okay?!" You opened your eyes and saw Kurapikas body hovering over yours.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine, I'm so sorry!" The two of you were blushing like crazy, still in the awkward position.

"So you ditched us to flirt with blondie" you heard someone say coldly. Both of you looked at the person who spoke to see Killua with Gon beside him.

    "N-No its nothing like that!" Kurapika quickly rolled off of you sand sat beside you.

    "oh really?" Killua raised his eye brow at you.

    "Baka!" Gon slapped him upside the head.

    "What was that for?!"

    "If Saki says its not like that then its not like that, end of story." Killua crossed his arms in protest while Gon helped the two of you up.

    "Thank you Gon." you smiled and hugged him oblivious to his flushed face.


    "Stop! Don't let him fool you!" Satotz was explaining how its dangerous to get separated from him during the next part before a voice yelled interrupting him. Everyone looked over to the voice and saw an injured man. "He's not the phase examiner, I am!" He pointed at himself than to Satotz "He's one of the dangerous creatures. Look!" He pulled out a monkey-like man who look like Satotz from some where. "This is a man faced ape. They copy humans forms and eat human flesh, but they're weak!" You had a hard time believing the "injured" man. 'If they're really that weak surely a hunter could easily take one out.' You thought as people whispered.
But suddenly it went silent when 6 cards were thrown, three at Satotz and three at injured man who you determined was a fake. You looked over at the fake examiner on the floor dead with three cards sticking out of his body, ignoring what ever was happening around you. You continued staring at the body while walking closer to the body until someone covered your eyes with their hands.

    "You shouldn't see something like that" you immediately recognized the voice as Kurapika.

    Kurapika kept his hands over your eyes until he thought you couldn't see the body and the phase continued


    You were running with Kurapika and Leorio, you wanted to move up by yourself but Kurapika wouldn't let you. "Kurapika! Leorio! Saki! Were going to move up, come on! You heard Gon yell a ways up from you.

    "Can we move up with them Kurapika?" You asked while giving him puppy eyes.

    Kurapika sighed, "you go on ahead, I'm going to stay back with Leorio and make sure he actually gets to the second phase."

You smiled up at him as he placed his hand on your head. "Just stay safe okay?"

    "Of course!" he smiled at you than ruffled your hair a bit before you ran ahead and caught up with Gon and Killua.

    "Saki wheres Kurapika and Leorio?" Gon questioned tilting his head slightly 'Aw, I swear Gon is just like a little innocent puppy'

    "They said they're gonna stay back." You slowed your pace "One sec" You said to them before turning around. "Kurapika stay safe! I'll see you at the beginning of the second phase! Okay!?" You yelled back hoping he heard you as the two boys stared at you. 'Is it possible she like blondie?!' Killua thought.

    "Of course!" You faintly heard his voice in the distance. "Gon! Killua! Please keep her safe!" There was worried tone in his voice. Follow by an offended Leorio "What am I chopped liver?!" You looked back at the boys and saw Killua in deep thought and Gon with a hint of sadness on his face.

    "Are you guys okay?" You asked the two boys while examining their faces.

    "Yeah.... were fine..."Killua said in a monotone voice still in his thoughts. 'Kurapika likes Sakura...' the two boys thought.

Is this love?Killua x OC  x Kurapika x GonWhere stories live. Discover now