First Phase Part 3

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Kurapika likes Sakura...' the two boys thought.

    "Guys!" Your scream broke them for their thoughts   

    "Saki are you okay?!" Gon asked worriedly

    "I'm okay....but you guys zoned out and we kinda lost Satotz.." you started rubbing your arm nervously.

    Killua facepalmed "Baka"

    "Its okay if we keep moving forward well find him!" Gon said back to his cheerful self.

    "Let's go then!" You agree with a smile while Killua facepalmed again.

    "Fine" he sighed


    While the three of you ran through the foggy forest you began to worry about Kurapika...and Leorio. "Saki what's wrong?" Gon asked

    "Nothing really, I'm just worried about Kurapika and Leorio..." you answered with a concerned tone in your voice. You couldn't help but feel like they were in danger.

    " Me too actually," Gon said with a worried look "I have a feeling they're in trouble."

    "Guys I'm sure they're fine," Killua said, not seeming to care

    "Killua I know they need help! I can feel it..." you didn't meant to yell but you did. You stopped running and they look back at you then stopped as well. "I'm going to look for them, with or without you guys"

    "What?! You can't be serious!!!" Killua exclaimed as you ticked marked at him getting annoyed.

    "I've never had nice friends like you guys before...I know we all just met but," your head was down, making your bangs cover your eyes "I don't want to lose any of you. Kurapika, Leorio, either of you two, if I lose any of you I wouldn't be able to live with myself." Killua's eyes softened and Gon looked like he was on the verge of tears. You looked at them confused then noticed your cheeks were damp. 'No wonder why...I was crying' You quickly wiped away your tears embarrassed.

    "Sakura..." Killua said softly with a gentle voice while stepping towards you.

    "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cry *sniffle* you both probably think I'm weak now." you lowered your head once again out of shame.

    "Aw Saki!!!!!" Gon ran towards you and smothered you in a death grip hug then released putting his hands on your shoulders looking in your eyes. "I understand what you mean. And I would never see you as weak" The two of you stayed like that, staring into each other, for a good moment before you spoke.

    "Uh. Gon?" He snapped out of his trance and let go of you.

"Sorry, Saki..." a slight blush appeared on his face but you didn't notice because of all the fog.

"Guys we should keep going" Killua spoke up with slight irritation in his voice. He started to walk off but you grabbed his hand. He turned around and looked at you with confusion and a bit of irritation.

"I need to make sure they're okay." you couldn't help but feel bad about how Killua felt about you wanting to find them.

"Saki" You let go of Killuas hand and turned to Gon. "Go with Killua, I'll find them and meet you guys at the beginning of phase two, I promise" you stayed silent, hesitant if you should let him go find them on his own.

"Gon I don't think-"

"Saki please, I'm worried about them too" you sighed and nodded, you knew he was only looking out for you but you couldn't bare it if he got hurt because of you.

"Thank you Gon" you said as you quickly hugged him. At first he was a bit surprised but soon returned your hug. After you let go Killua grabbed your hand and ran forward in the direction you assumed was the finish line, while Gon took off running in a different direction.'Please stay safe Gon'


The two of you have been running for a long time but haven't reached the finish yet. Killua was still holding your hand while the two of you ran through the fog. "Killua," you said quietly.

"Hm?" He questioned in return as you both continued running.

"Do we have to hold hands?" you asked innocently. The two of you stopped running as he let go of your hand.

"I mean we don't have to, I just figured we should that way so we don't get separated." Killua said nonchalantly but with a small blush on his cheeks. "You know because of this heavy fog"

You laughed at him "Ohhh good point!" You smiled at him then grabbed his hand and started running forward again. He smirked at you then laughed as well, keeping up with your fast pace.


After what seems like forever you and Killua eventually found Satotz and the other examiners but sadly couldn't locate Gon or the others in the big group. You both followed Satotz to the waiting area of the second phase.

Once you arrived you and Killua looked around for Gon and the other once again. "They're not here," you said sadly.

"Hey its okay," Killua said as he patted your back to comfort you "the second phase doesn't start until 12:00, lets wait a little longer". You smiled at him, a bit surprised he was being so comforting.

"Thank you Killua-kun," you said hugging him

After that, you and Killua went over to a tree to rest and wait for the others.

Is this love?Killua x OC  x Kurapika x GonWhere stories live. Discover now