Sleeping on the Airship

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It didn't take you long to locate the blonde-haired boy in the room who was reading a book near the far wall. 'Of course.' You silently made your way over to him, trying your best not to awaken or step on the others.

Once you got to him he didn't notice your presence. You sat next to him and looked at what he was reading. Romeo and Juliet. You smiled at his choice in reading. "Reading a bit of romance I see." Your voice startled him, making him jump and quickly close his book. You laughed at his reaction.

"Jesus Sakura don't startle me like that." he grabbed his heart dramatically, starting to calm.

You giggled. "It's your fault! You were too into your book to notice me" you said teasingly.

"I-its a good book..." his face turned a light pink.

You sat next to him. "I know it's my favorite actually."


"Yeah! I'm surprised you like it since it's such a girly book with the 'Oh Romeo, oh Romeo Where art' though Romeo' " you acted out.

His cheeks turned a darker shade of pink and changed the subject.
"W-where were you anyway?"

"Oh, I was with Gon and Killua playing a game." He put aside how you were with Gon and Killua trying not to show his feelings.

"Are you tired?"

"No I'm-" you started before interrupting yourself with a yawn. You then laughed at yourself "Yeah I guess I am tired" You rubbed your eyes trying to stay awake.

Earning a laugh from Kurapika he turned his blanket so it covered both of you. You looked up at him and gave him a smile. "Thank you!"

"You can rest with me if you'd like, I wouldn't trust a lot of these creepy guys." You thanked him once more, appreciative that he cares to look out for you. If you were being honest being one of the few girls in this room filled of brown men did make you uncomfortable. You then snuggle downward into the warm blanket and rest your head on the side of his abdomen, and dozed off to sleep comfortably.

Kurapika's POV
She snuggled into the blanket and rested her head on the side of my abdomen making my cheeks warm up. I looked down at her peaceful face, I can't describe the feeling I get when I'm with her, she's just so...perfect. Even if I only just meet her, I feel like I was instantly drawn to her somehow. But isn't this weird?

I put my book next to me and scooted down so Sakura's head was now resting on my chest. As I moved she scooted closer to me, snuggling me with a smile on her face. At first, I tensed up but slowly relaxed and started to enjoy how close we were.

I wrapped my arm around her and started to drift to sleep myself.

Killua's POV
After I left Gon to get some sleep I was really pissed, the smallest thing could make me snap.
'I wonder if Sakura is still up...'

I walked into the sleeping room, immediately locating Kurapika with a sleeping Sakura snuggling him.

They were snuggling.

I stormed out of the room before my feelings got the best of me. What was it? I think it's jealousy. But why should I care?

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating please forgive me! I've been busy with auditions and Japanese class! I meant to make this chapter longer but I was having writer's block and decided something was better than nothing😅

Btw should I change the cover of the book to something more colorful? :/



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