Phase 3: the Trick Tower (part 4)

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Everyone was surprised that you would give up the battle since you obviously had the upper had.

"What did you say?" The prisoner asked

"I said I give up. You win. I lost the round." You turned to your group "I'm sorry guys"

The prisoner laughed again as the score board above your groups hallways light up showing a 1 "That means if you fail two more times, you're disqualified from the exam"

A bit disheartened by the results, you returned back to your group, avoiding eye contact "I'm really sorry guys, I couldn't kill him if I thought he was innocent"

Leorio was obviously annoyed, glaring at you a bit. But the others didn't seem as mad as you.

"Well it might be a minor set back, we just have to make sure that we don't loose anymore" Kurapika reasoned in attempts to comfort you

"Don't worry Saki-chan!" Gon said cheerfully "I would have done the same thing"

You thanked him quickly before the next prisoner stepped up and revealed himself. He was skinny and tall in frame, malnourished looking and pale. He had longer black hair that reached just below him chin with a side part.

'This guy doesn't look too bad' you thought to yourself

"Who's next?" The prisoner asked

Gon eagerly stepped forward and volunteered "I will be next!"


Sedokan, the malnourished looking prisoner now in the center with Gon, suggested a game. He claimed he wasnt very good with physical activity and Gon admitted he doesn't use his brain much. So, they decided on a game that would be fair to both of them...

Sedokan pulled out two candles that looked seemingly alike. "We both light the candles at the same time and whichever one goes out first is the loser" Gon immediately agreed to the game, but then Sedokan revealed the whole candles. One was bigger than the other. "O for the longer candle, X for the shorter candle. It's your choice, majority rules"

'We have to choose which one Gon uses'

Leorio and Kurapika started discussing which one could be tampered with, which is the correct choice.

"Gon!" You yelled to him "you pick which you want! We will go with your decision"

"Are you sure that's the right thing to do?" Killua asked a bit skeptical "Gon isn't exactly known for using his head.."

You nodded assuring them that it was the right thing to do. "Maybe he will trust his instructs instead of overthinking it like us" Kurapika agreed

"Okay! In that case I will choose the bigger candle, since it will obviously burn longer!" Gon stated

'Maybe we spoke too soon'

The prisoner smirked at Gon as we all voted for the the longer candle. Sedokan then threw Gon the longer candle and they both walked over to the flames that were on the corner of the platform. The flames lowered for them to both light them at the same time.

Everything seemed to be normal. "At this rate it will take 3-4 hours for the candle to go out" Kurapika observed

Then a gust of wind came up from the dark ravine, Gon quickly covered the flame so it wouldn't go out. A few more minutes passed, Gon focused on the flame the entire time. When suddenly, the flame tripled in size quickly burning the candle to half its size and burning Gon with the hot wax dripping down onto his hands.

"At this rate the candle will burn out in minutes." Leorio pointed out frustrated with the prisoner for his obvious trick.

Gon however seemed to have a trick up his sleeve. He set down the candle and pointed out "now a small gust of wind won't blow out my candle" before anyone fully processed what he said he was instantly in front of Sedokan blowing out his tiny flame. "I won!" Gon exclaimed while holding up a peace sign.

"Yay Gon!" You cheered 'That was really awesome'

Sedokan returned to the other prisoners in a slump and sat against the wall as Gon returned to our group happily. "Great job Gon!" You ruffled his hair in support as he smiled at you with a light blush on his cheeks.

Before you could tease him Kurpika stepped forward "I will go next" across the way you noticed the next prisoner had also stepped up. He was tall and muscular like the first prisoner, but he had blue skin. He kept his hood on until they both reached the center and the bridges retracted. He then whipped off the cloak revealing a...peculiar looking inmate.

It looked like we was missing a Lord Voldemort. One ear resembled a gear and the other a cone where the second should be, with wires sticking out. He had several stitches and scars across his face and one eye looked swollen and bruised. 'Was he punched or is that just his face?' you thought to yourself.
He also had several teeth missing that showed as he talked. He reminded you of a buff blue Frankenstein.

His name Majitani, apparently he's a serial killer. With 19 hearts on his chest marking all of his killings, he wants to make it an even 20. He and Kurpika agreed to another death battle.

Kurpika threw his cloak and his wooden bokken swords off to the side to make it a fair fight, fists only per Majitani's request.

"If you have no other requests, I'd like to get this over with" Kurapika said coldly. 'He seems to be really that I'm thinking about it I don't think I've ever seen Kurapika in combat before, I hope he knows what he's doing'

Majitani buffed himself up before launching himself up and towards Kurpika. He easily dodged this attack but the floor was shattered where he once was from Majitanis fist. He laughed then turned around, revealing his suspicious looking spider tattoo. 'This isn't right' you thought to yourself

Kurapika however didn't hesitate. His aura and attitude changed instantly. He quickly appeared in front of Majitani and then upper cut him, but held onto his neck choking him while lifting him off the ground. He begged for mercy and even forfeited but Kurapika punched him, knocking him out. You could've sworn you saw his eyes turn red. Kurapika then confirmed your suspicions. Real members of the spider troupe have numbers on their spiders back representing their status and kill too many to keep count. He also said he'd kill him if ever mentioned the spiders again... 'I wonder why he hates the Spiders so much'

Kurpika gathered his belongings he threw to the side and returned to the group. "I knew the spider tattoo was fake instantly but my vision still went red. When I see a spider I go kind of primal with rage..." he sounded tired but also confirmed what you thought you saw.

'So his eyes did turn he..a member of the Kurta clan?' You wanted to comfort him. "Kurapika-" but he pushed past everyone to the back.

You could hear Killua confirm his speculation in confidence in the background as you followed Kurapika. "Kurpika are you okay?" Wow that was a dumb question to ask, clearly he's not okay.

"I just got carried away...I guess I should be glad it means my rage is undying. But I did too much, lost control and now I'm a bit fatigued" he looked up at you from the floor "but don't worry about me Sakura" he smiled but couldn't hid the pain underneath his bow gray eyes.

"Why don't I just sit with you" you smiled back "Leorio is up next so I can't bare to watch that"

So you sat together side by side in a comfortable silence as a smaller framed prisoner went to the center still in their cloak.

Is this love?Killua x OC  x Kurapika x GonWhere stories live. Discover now