Rosalie’s P.O.V
It had been about a month or so since School had started back up and it was starting to get colder outside and I was making my way to the Great Hall to get something to eat before I noticed Minerva and Umbridge talking and I wanted to make sure that everything was alright, “is everything alright over here?” I asked them, “everything is fine dear.” Minerva said as they continued, causing some of the students to come around and watch, “Pardon me Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?” Umbridge asked her, “I’m merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices.” Minerva told her, “so silly of me but it sounds as if you’re questioning my authority in my own classroom. Minerva.” Umbridge said to her, “Well then she has the right to for what you're doing, to the students here.” I said to Umbridge, “not at all, Dolores. Merely your medieval methods” Minerva said, “I am sorry dears, but to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty.” Umbridge said, “Disloyalty.” Minerva questioned, “things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius would want to take immediate action.” Umbridge said to everyone, “you can’t be serious.” I said to her, “I am dear and there is nothing you can do to stop it.” she said and I just stood there before she walked away and I let out a heavy sigh before Minerva and I had managed to get the students back to what they were doing, “what are we going to do? We can’t just let her do this.” I said to Minerva, “I know dear, we will figure something out. She can’t get away with this.” Minerva said before walking away before Edeline came up to me, “is she really going to do this?” she asked me and I sighed, “as far as I know, yes, but don’t worry, ok, it’s not going to be like this forever.” I told her before kissing the top of her head, “get to class alright.” I told her and she left with Harry.As time went on, Umbridge had been wandering the school as she changed everything as she also began to question the teachers and when she had gotten to me, she had asked many, “how long have you been working in this post?” she asked me, “for two years.” I told her as she wrote it down, “is it true that your husband is who they say he is?” she asked me, “Now that is none of your concern.” I told her as she continued to write on the piece of paper before it looked like she had noticed something, “what is with your eyes dear? Were they always able to do this?” she asked me and I furrowed my brows a little before looking in a mirror to see that it had shown up again and I sighed, “again, nothing that concerns you. It’s a personal matter. Are we done here?” I said to her and she just smiled at me, “yes, I’m finished.” she said before letting me leave her office and quickly whipped a tear away before making it to my room as I had decided to write to Remus about everything that’s been going on at Hogwarts and the kind of questions she had asked me and once I was finished writing the letter, I gave my Owl something to eat before sending it off with the letter.
Remus’s P.O.V
It has been a while since I had gotten a letter from Rosalie and this time I had gotten a letter from the both of them that came with both of their Owls and I took the letters and I began to Read Edeline’s as I was worried about what she was going to tell me in the letter and once I finished opening it, I began to read the letter.Dear Dad,
I’ve been thinking about what mum told me about this ability I have that causes my eyes to change and it’s been keeping me up at night and so far I have read every book in the Library and found nothing. I’m scared dad, I don’t want to end up losing control of it and I fear that You-Know-Who might use me for my power if he knows about this and I don’t want that. I want to learn how to control it so that I can fight him if it ever came to that and as a last resort. I’m sorry that this letter to you isn’t a happy one, but I’ve just needed to get this off my chest and tell someone other than mother and Harry. Other than that, I hope that you are doing well and I love you.

Book Two: My Forever Love
FanfictionIt has been Twelve years since the death of her brother James and his wife Lily, leaving behind a son whom they've named Harry and both Remus and Rosalie have been married for Fourteen Years and the both of them had a daughter together who've they n...