It has been Twelve years since the death of her brother James and his wife Lily, leaving behind a son whom they've named Harry and both Remus and Rosalie have been married for Fourteen Years and the both of them had a daughter together who've they n...
Edeline's P.O.V It was almost the day of Slughorn's Christmas Dew and I was hanging out with Harry and Hermione as we eventually walked into the Library as Hermione talked about Ron, "he's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes. I really couldn't care less." Hermione said to us as she put her books away, "sure sounds like it." I told her before she continued, "Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas Party together, yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements." she told us, "have you?" Harry asked her, "yes, why?" She said to him, "Well, I just thought seeing as neither of us can go with whom we really like, we should go together. As friends." Harry told her, "why didn't I think of that." Hermione said, "who are you going with?" Harry asked her, "Please tell me you're not going with Cromack?" I asked her, "um it's a surprise. Anyways, it's you we've got to worry about. You can't just take anyone. See that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane, apparently she's trying to smother you a Love Potion." Hermione told Harry, "really?" Harry asked, "Hey, she's only interested in you because she thinks you're The Chosen One." Hermione told him, "I am The Chosen One." Harry said and both Hermione and I hit Harry in the head with a roll of paper, "Ok, sorry. Kidding. Well, I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool." Harry suggested, "then I hope it's Luna. She's pretty cool." I told him before the three of us eventually left the Library and eventually, it was just Hermione and I, "please tell me it's not Cormack that you're taking?" I asked her and she sighed a little, "it is. I already asked him after the Ron and Lavender situation." she told me and I sighed a little, "well, it's an alright choice then, considering the way Cormack looks at you all the time." I told her and the both of us chuckled a little, "we should head back to the Common Room." Hermione said and we had done so and eventually made it back to the Common Room for the night and continued to hang out for the rest of the night until we eventually went to bed for the night.
It was finally the night of Slughorn's Christmas Party and I had just finished getting ready before I left my dorm and made my way to where the party was going to be,
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before I noticed Draco sitting alone, "how are you doing?" I asked him as I sat in front of him next to the window and he shrugged a little, "I'll be fine. Where are you off to?" He asked me, "Slughornis having this party and invited me." I told him and he nodded, "are you sure you're alright?" I asked him, "I'm fine, Love. you don't have to worry about me alright." he said and I just looked at him, "how can I not worry about you." I told him and he smiled a little before looking out the window, "you should go. I don't want to keep you." he said to me and I sighed a little, "are you sure?" I asked him and he nodded, "I'll see you later alright." I told him before kissing the top of his head and walked away and eventually made it to Slughorn's Party and talked with a few of the people that were there before noticing Hermione hide behind the curtains and both Harry and I eventually made it to her, "are you Alright?" I asked her, "Hermione, what are you doing? And what happened to you?" Harry asked her, "no, I've just escaped. I mean, I left Cormack under the Mistletoe." Hermione told us, "Cormack? That's who you invited?" Harry asked her, "surprise." I said to him, "I thought it would annoy Ron the most." she told us, "well clearly, it's not working." I mentioned to them, "he's got more tentacles than a Snarfelaff plant." she told us before one of the waiters appeared, "Dragon Tartare?" he asked us, "no I'm fine thank you." Hermione said, "just as well, they give one horribly bad breath." the man said to us, "on second thought." Hermione said before she grabbed the tray, "it might keep Cormack at bay." Hermione told us, "Now that you mention it, he's coming over here." I told her before Harry and I hid her as she left, "I think she just went about her note." Harry told Cormack, "slippery little minx your friend. Likes to work her mouth, doesn't she?" Cormack told us, "I wonder what goes through your head." I said to him as he began to eat the Dragon Tartare, "what is this that I'm eating by the way?" he asked us and Harry and I just looked at each other before telling him, "Dragon Balls." the both of us told him before Snape appeared before Cormack threw up, "3, 2, 1" I said before Snape spoke up, "you've just bought yourself a months detention" he said to Cormack as Harry and I tried to sneak away before Snape caught us, "not so quick Potter and Lupin." he said to us before he came over to Harry and I, "sir, I really think I should rejoin the party. my date-" Harry said to him before Snape spoke up, "I'm sure they can survive your absence for another minute or two. Besides, I only wish to convey a message." he said to us, "Message?" Harry questioned, "from who?" I asked him, "from Professor Dumbledore, he asked me to give the both of you his best and he hopes you enjoy your Holidays. You see, he's traveling and he won't return until term resumes." Snape told us, "Traveling where?" Harry asked, "you really think he'd say where." I told him before Snape walked away saying nothing more before Mr. Filch dragged Draco into the room, "Professor Slughorn, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party." Mr. Filch said to Slughorn, "ok, ok I was gate crashing" Draco said before Snape walked up to them, "I'll escort him out." Snape said, "Certainly, Professor." Draco said before the both of them left and both Harry and I looked at each other and followed them from a distance before hiding as we overheard what they were talking about, "I didn't hex that Bell girl. They think I did it." we heard Draco say, "I swore to protect you. I made the unbreakable vow." Snape said to Draco, "I don't need protection. I was chosen for this. Out of all the others, me. I won't fail him." Draco said to Snape, "you're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it but it's obvious. Let me assist you." Snape said to him, "no, I was chosen. This is my moment. I'm only doing this to protect her from him." Draco said as a tear slipped down my cheek and I soon left and eventually made it to the Astronomy Tower.