Rosalie’s P.O.V
By the time we finally made it out, I noticed Sirius walk away after he had set Ron down and both Edeline and I had walked up to him, “how are you doing?” I asked him and he left out a sigh, “I’m alright. I’m sorry you had to go through that. You do know that I would do what they say they did to your brother James right?” he said to me, “it’s alright, I knew you wouldn’t tell Voldemort where they were. You and James were too close as friends for that. The both of you were like brothers.” I told him before Edeline and Harry came up to us, “it’s Beautiful isn’t it?” Sirius asked and I smiled a little as I looked at the Castle, “I’ll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again as a free man. That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn’t deserve it.” Sirius said, “he never did.” I mentioned before Harry spoke up, “well I just didn’t think my dad would have wanted his two best friends to become killers. Besides, dead, the truth dies with him. Alive, you’re free.” Harry said, “he’s got a point you know. If Peter dies, they’ll never know the truth about what happened, and besides, I might have mentioned that you wouldn’t do such a thing when I was with the Minister and McGonagall a while back. I’m not sure whether or not they believe me though.” I said to Sirius before we heard Peter panicking, “I don’t know if you know Harry and Edeline, but when the both of you were born, James and Lily and Rosalie made me your Godfather.” Sirius said and I smiled a little remembering the day, “I know and I told Edeline about it too.” Harry said to him, “Well, Harry I can understand if you choose to stay with your Aunt and Uncle but if you ever wanted a different home” Sirius said and I smiled a little thinking it would be nice for Harry to get to know Sirius, “what? Coe and live with you.?” Harry asked him, “that would be nice. I mean you would have the choice to do so I believe.” I said to Harry, “Well, it’s just a thought. I can understand if you don’t want to.” Sirius said to him, “and I can come by and hang out too.” Edeline suggested before we heard Hermione speak up, “Harry” she said and the four of us turned to see her pointing at something before the moon came from behind the clouds, “shit. I forgot it was a full moon with everything going on.” I mentioned, “did he take his potion?” Sirius asked me, “I don’t know. Snape usually gives it to him before I get there to come here with him.” I said to Sirius before we rushed over and Sirius went over to Remus and I kept Edeline close to me along with the others while Sirius tried to help Remus but while he was doing that, Peter had gotten Remus’s wand from the ground and both Harry and I disarmed him but saw that it was too late as he turned back into a rat before seeing Sirius being thrown and I stood in front of the kids and we were about to leave before Hermione spoke up, “Wait. Wait.” she said to us, “Hermione don’t. I don’t know if he’s taken his potion before this.” I said to her but she didn’t listen, “Hermione get back here.” I said before she started speaking up again, “Professor? Professor Lupin?” she said to him before he howled and he started walking towards us before Snape came from the Whomping Willow, “there you are, Potter.” he said before I started tugging on his robes before it growled at us causing Snape to turn and before Remus could do anything, I managed to turn into my Animagus form and pushed him back before Sirius came around and knocked Remus back before Sirius and I were next to each other before we continued to fight Remus before we managed to run off with him following us.Edeline’s P.O.V
After seeing my mom turn into a tiger, both herself and Sirius began to fight dad as we found out that he hadn’t taken his Potion for tonight and eventually, she ran off with Sirius with dad following them and my worry grew, “mum” I said before rushing off before seeing Harry come up beside me before we stopped before we saw that they had continued fighting each other before seeing that dad had mum on her shoulder causing her to limp away from dad and I knew it wasn’t his fault, “what do we do. We can’t let them continue like this.” I said to Harry, “I know but I have an Idea, we have to try and get your dad away from them.” Harry said before running off again, “have you gone mad. You know how my dad would feel if he’d done something to either of us for doing this.” I said to Harry before he picked up a rock, “I know, but it might help them.” he said before throwing the rock before dad looked at us, “I think you might have just gone insane at this point.” I said to him before Dad came towards us and before he could do anything, we heard howling and after a few times, dad managed to leave before we heard mum and Sirius as they were limping and I felt a tear slip down my cheek, “we have to help them.” I said to Harry before they both fell to the ground before the both of them had gotten back up as themselves before Harry and I had rushed after them before we saw Sirius lying on the ground while mum was on her knees, “mum, are you alright. You took a pretty good hit from dad.” I said to her, “I’ll be fine darling. Your father won't be too happy about it though.” she said to me and I sighed a little, “I know. He’d try and blame himself for it.” I told her before everything felt cold and we saw the lake freeze solid, “the Dementors. They’re here.” mum said to us, “what about Sirius. We can't just leave him here for them to take.” I mentioned before the Dementors started circling above us before Harry managed to conjure his Patronus but it didn’t last for long before they had started attacking us before someone else managed stop them and send the away before Harry had fainted and managed to get Sirius awake and we managed to take Harry back to the Castle and just as we had gotten to the front, Dumbledore soon opened the doors to see us there, “hurry. Quickly now.” he said and we managed to make it inside, and I managed to bring my mum to the Hospital Wing and some of the Nurses were helping treat everyone who was injured and mum had to get a few stitches for her injury before they had wrapped it up in bandages and eventually sat upright on the bed as the both of us talked for a while before she had fallen asleep.

Book Two: My Forever Love
FanfictionIt has been Twelve years since the death of her brother James and his wife Lily, leaving behind a son whom they've named Harry and both Remus and Rosalie have been married for Fourteen Years and the both of them had a daughter together who've they n...