Rosalie's P.O.V
It was the first day of classes and I was walking around before bumping into Professor Slughorn, "ah, you must be Mrs. Lupin, just the person I was looking for I'm afraid. Do you mind helping me with a few potions?" he said to me, "yeah of course." I said to him and managed to make it to his classroom and began to make the potions that he wanted made and when we were done, I was about to leave the room before he spoke up again, "I'm sorry to bother you again Mrs. Lupin, but do you mind staying for the first few minutes of class to help me demonstrate something?" he asked me and I nodded, "yeah for sure" I said to him before the class started walking into the room and I remembered what Edeline told me and I decided to keep my eye on Malfoy for a bit before hearing someone else walk in and turned to see that it was Harry and Ron, "ah, Harry my boy, I was beginning to worry. You've brought someone with us I see." Professor Slughorn said to him, "Ron Weasley sir, but I'm dead awful at potions, a menace actually so I'll probably just go" Ron told Professor Slughorn, "nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out." Professor Slughorn said to them, "um, sorry sir, I haven't actually got my book yet and nor does Ron." Harry mentioned, "not to worry, get what you want from the Cupboard." Professor Slughorn said before he continued with the class, "now as I was saying, I've prepared some concoctions this morning with the help of Mrs. Lupin here. Any Idea what these might be?" Professor Slughorn said to everyone before Hermione raised her hand, "yes Miss-'' Slughorn said to her, "Granger sir." she said before walking up to them, "that one there is Veritaserum, it's a truth telling serum." she began to say before she eventually got to the last one, "this is Amortentia, the most Powerful Love potion in the world. It's Rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them, for example I smell freshly mown Grass, parchment and spearmint toothpaste" Hermione said before walking back to her spot, "well done Miss. Granger. Now I had Mrs. Lupin here to stay as well to be another example for the Amortentia Potion so that we can understand what Miss. Granger had explained. Mrs. Lupin" Professor Slughorn said and I walked up to it, "I smell Chocolate, Pine trees and Parchment." I said to them before walking away, "thank you Mrs. Lupin, you are free to go." Professor Slughorn said before smiling at him and I left the room before walking around to see if anyone else needed any help with anything.After a while I continued to think about what Edeline had told me about what Harry said and I used my free time to write to Remus about it and I eventually made it to my room to do so and once I was done and gave my Owl something to eat, I managed to send the letter to him before letting out a sigh before leaving my room before bumping into Professor Sprout, "ah, just the person that I was looking for. Do you mind helping me in the Greenhouse dear?" she asked me and I smiled, "yeah of course." I said and followed her to the Greenhouses and helped her repot a few things along with potting some new plants she had as well and once we were done, we talked for a short while, "thank you for the help dear, I'm glad Dumbledore finally got some help around here. I know you know that stuff like this takes forever if it's just one person doing it." she said and we both chuckled, "yeah and I'm sure of it. I'm just glad I didn't have to stay away from here forever." I told her before heading back inside so that she could go on with her next class and continued to walk around in case anyone needed any help and once classes were over, I noticed Edeline rushing past everyone before I stopped her, "is everything alright? You seem rather off." I asked her, "yeah, I'm alright mum. I just have a lot on my mind, that's all" she told me, "you know you can talk to me right." I said to her and she smiled and nodded, "I know mum, I'll see you later." she said before walking away and I felt like she wasn't telling me something.
Edeline's P.O.V
After classes were over for the day, I just wanted to be alone as I sat by myself in an empty Hallway and began to think to myself before I heard footsteps and quickly got up before seeing that it was Draco, "how are you doing?" I asked him, "I'm fine. You?" he said and I shrugged a little, "do you mind if I talk to you alone. To be honest, you're the only one I think I can trust right now." he said and I nodded before I stood next to him and eventually made it into the Room of Requirement and saw that it was filled with junk, "what's wrong love? I'm starting to get worried." I said to him, "don't be, everything will be alright darling. It's just, You-Know-Who has asked me to do something for him and that's all I wish to say about it for now." he told me as we continued to walk around, "whatever it is, Harry is on to you. He thinks you're a Death Eater but neither Ron nor Hermione believe him." I mentioned to him, "it's not like he'd listen to what I had to say about it anyways." Draco said and I sighed a little before he stopped walking and turned around before walking up to it before pulling off the cover only to see the same thing we had seen at Borgin and Burkes during the end of Summer, "what is it?" I asked him, "A Vanishing Cabinet. He wants me to mend it." Draco said, "do you really have to do this?" I asked him and he nodded, "yes. He threatened me to do so. So I have no choice." he told me and I felt a tear slip down my cheek, "I'm sorry." I whispered to him before he did what he was supposed to and all I did was watch as I didn't know what to do. After a while, the both of us just stayed in the Room of Requirement for a while as we sat with each other, "why do you care so much? After everything I've done to you and the others." he asked me and I thought about it, "well to be honest, I think that whatever you had going on was just an ego for something. I wanted to be your friend when we first met but Harry didn't want me to, he thought you would be a bad person whether we were friends or not. But I now know that he's wrong, you are anything but bad, you are the complete opposite of bad and everyone is blinded by what they think about you to see that." I said to him and smiled a little, "you really mean that?" he asked and I nodded, "I meant every word." I told him before he connected his lips to mine and it felt like fireworks were going off as it grew to be passionate before the both of us broke apart, "I think I'm in Love with you Edeline Lupin and I don't care about the stupid Pureblood stuff my family talks about. I only care about you." he said to me and I smiled before the both of us had eventually left the Room of Requirement and I eventually made it back to the Common Room for the night.When the next day came around, it was finally the day of the Quidditch tryouts and I was one of the people trying out and like always, I was going for Chaser and both Ginny and I were standing on either side of Harry as he tried to get everyone's attention, "SHUT IT" the both of us said as it got everyone's attention, "thanks. Alright, now then just because you made the team last year, does not guarantee you a spot this year, is that clear." Harry said to them and they all just nodded and after getting everything ready, we all got into position on either side of the field before tryouts began and after they were finally over, everyone left the field and made it back to the Castle and Harry, Ron, Hermione and myself were sitting together in the Common Room after getting changed, "I have to admit, I thought I was going to miss that last one. I hope Cormack isn't taking it too hard." Ron said to us, "I'm sure of it actually, he was only trying to show off for Hermione." I said to him and chuckled a little, "she's right, he's got a bit of a thing for you Hermione, Cormack." Ron told her, "he's vile." she told us, "it's hilarious to be honest, he's trying too hard just to have you but he should know by now that whatever he's doing isn't working." I told her, "have you ever heard of this spell, Sectumsempra?" Harry asked Hermione and me, "no I haven't." I told him as I furrowed my brows a little, "no I haven't and if you had a shred of self respect, you'd hand that book in" Hermione told Harry, "she's right Harry, we both know mum would say the same thing to you." I told him, "not bloody likely, he's the top of the class, he's even better than you Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius." Ron told us and both Hermione and I just looked at him, "he's that big of a genius. He's smart but not a genius." I said to him, "I'd like to know who that book was." Hermione said, "Now that you mention it, I'm kind of curious now too." I said to her as she tried getting the book, "no." he said to us as we got up, "why not?" Hermione asked, "the binding is fragile." Harry said, "whatever." I said to him, "the binding is fragile?" Hermione asked him before Ginny managed to get the book from him, "who's the Half Blood Prince?" she asked Harry, "who?" Hermione asked, "Who's that?" I asked Ginny, "That's what it says right here, this book is property of the Half Blood Prince." Ginny told us before she gave the book back to Harry, "he's never going to give up that book" I said to them after he walked away and we continued to hang out.

Book Two: My Forever Love
FanfictionIt has been Twelve years since the death of her brother James and his wife Lily, leaving behind a son whom they've named Harry and both Remus and Rosalie have been married for Fourteen Years and the both of them had a daughter together who've they n...