Chapter Four

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Rosalie’s P.O.V
It was another day and I continued to make sure that Remus was doing alright as he was taking the day off and found out that Snape was filling in for him as well and I just hopped that he doesn’t do anything that he shouldn’t and I was also making sure that everyone was getting to their classes on time after checking on Remus and after a while, I had gone to help Professor Sprout with some planting she needed done, “how are classes going Professor?” I asked her, “They're going well dear. How are you liking your position so far?” she said to me, “it’s good, I rather enjoy it.” I told her as the both of us had continued to talk for a while longer until the both of us were done, “well, that’s it for now dear. Thank you for the help, it would have taken me much longer without the help.” Professor Sprout said and I smiled a little, “well, I’m glad to help.” I told her before I was able to leave and I decided to check on Remus to see how he was doing and once I made it back to the Hospital Wing only to see that Remus wasn’t there and Madam Pomfrey walked up to me, “before you start to worry, I discharged him and he said he would be heading to your quarters.” she said and I sighed and thanked her before heading to my quarters to see that Remus was already there, “how are you feeling love?” I asked him as I went to sit down next to him on the bed, “I’ve been worse. But I’m alright.” he said and I smiled and kissed his cheek, “do you want some Tea or Hot Chocolate?” I asked him, “Hot Chocolate please.” he said and I happily made it for him and once I was done making it, I soon gave it to him and he began to drink it, “thank you love.” he said and I smiled at him before kissing his cheek before I took care of him for a bit longer and after a while, he had fallen asleep and I sat on the side of the bed as I moved the hair out of his face before I managed to leave the room and walked around to make sure anyone else needed the help since classes were still going on for about another hour or so.

Once classes were finally over for the day, the halls were crowded with students and as it all calmed down, Edeline rushed up to me as she painted, “what’s wrong love? Is everything alright?” I asked her and she finally caught her breath, “Professor Snape, he had us learn about Werewolves in class today when he filled in for dad.” she said and, my anger grew, “alright then. You go back to your Common Room and I’ll have a word with Snape.” I said to her and I went to look for Snape and eventually found him in his classroom, “what are you on about? Why would you teach them something they weren’t even close to doing yet? Is this revenge for when you were kids?” I shouted at him and he soon stood up from his seat, “because I think they should know who’s really teaching them. He’s nothing but a monster and I’m surprised he hasn’t killed you yet.” he said to me, causing me to slap him, “How dare you. You have no right to be doing this. Whatever grudge you have against him, Get over it and grow up because you’re not kids anymore.” I said to him and walked out of the room and quickly whipped a tear away and eventually made it back to my Quarters for the time being only to see that Remus was awake, “everything alright darling? You seem upset.” he asked me and I sighed a little, “it’s Snape. Edeline told me that he had them write about Werewolves today and I might have gotten angry at him about it.” I told him and heard him sigh a little, “I figured he’d do something like this. It might be revenge from when we were kids and coming here.” he said, “to be honest, I still think he’s acting like one for what he did today. He needs to stop, it’s hard enough as it is for you. He doesn’t understand.” I said to him, “I know you’re angry love, but he’ll never stop until he gets what he wants.” he said and I whipped another tear, “but I can tell you love it here. I don’t see why he needs to do this.” I told Remus as he pulled me closer to him and gently kissed the top of my head, “I know darling, but as far as I know, there’s nothing we can do at the moment.” he told me and I sighed a little, “but we can tell Dumbledore about it.” I suggested to him, “if it gets any worse, then we can tell him alright.” he said and I nodded and the both of them just spent the rest of the evening together and he spent the night here as the both of us just held each other in bed as the both of us eventually fell asleep that night.

It was another day and it was the first Quidditch Match of the year and it was Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff and everyone was in the stands cheering for either house team and I was sitting with the other teachers as I cheered for the Gryffindor team as Edeline was one of the Chaser’s and at the same time, I was worried since the Weather was pretty bad as it was pouring out and windy and after a while, everyone began to notice someone falling from the sky and I noticed that it was Harry and Dumbledore had managed to do something to have Harry land on the ground gently and Harry was eventually brought to the Hospital Wing and I had rushed to the Hospital Wing hoping that he was alright and wondered what had happened that caused him to fall off his broom and I managed to make it to the Hospital Wing to see everyone crowding around him as they talked to him, “how are you feeling?” I asked him, “could have been worse. They told me what had happened.” Harry said motioning to Hermione and I noticed that Ron was holding something, “what’s that you got there Ron” I asked him, “it’s Harry’s broom. It flew into the Whomping Willow and this is how it ended up in the end.” Ron said and I sighed a little, “I can see if I can do something about that if you’d like.” I told him and he smiled a little, “thanks.” he said and I smiled back at him before he was able to leave the Hospital Wing for the rest of the day and I made sure both him and Edeline had gone to the Common Room so that they do thor own thing before I had gone to see how Remus was doing and when I had gotten back to my room, I saw him putting on his cloak, “where are you off to love?” I asked him as I walked up to him, “I was going to go for a walk. Would you and Edeline like to join?” he said and I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, “I would love to and Edeline had just gone to the Common Room with Harry.” I said to him before I had put on a sweater and the both of us had left the room and managed to make it outside with Edeline before we had bumped into Harry and both Remus and Harry talked while Edeline and I had gone ahead of them as Edeline had picked some flowers she had found along the way until we all stopped walking as Reus and Harry continued to talk, “well, I don’t pretend to be an expert, Harry. But as the Dementors seem to have developed a particular interest in you, perhaps I should teach you. But after the Holidays. For now, I need to rest.” Remus said as we stood there for a while as we continued to talk while Edeline and Harry had done the same, “you know, I want Edeline to come as well. I want to teach her how to conjure her patronus as well and I want you to help me. Is that alright with you?” he said and I smiled at him, “that’s fine with me love. Considering what’s been going on recently, I think she should learn how to.” I said to him as I looked at her and smiled a little, “you know, she looks more like you.” I said to him and he chuckled a little, “she has your eyes though.” he said as I watched her pet her Owl while Harry had done the same with his.

After a while, the four of us managed to make it back to the Castle and both Harry and Edeline had gone to find Hermione and Ron while Remus and I had walked around as we continued to talk for a while before the both of us had gone back to my quarters for a while and by the time we had gotten there, he soon sat down on a chair in the room, “how are you feeling love?” I asked him and sat down next to him, “I’m getting better.” he said and I smiled a little, “that’s good. Do you want some tea?” I said to him, “yes please.” He said and I soon got up and went to make it and by the time I was done, I went back to him and set his cup down before I sat down myself, “thank you darling.” he said before taking a sip and I had done the same, “your welcome.” I managed to say before the both of us had continued to talk for the rest of the afternoon about helping Harry and Edeline with the Patronus Charm after the Holidays before the both of us had gone to the Great Hall for dinner that night before the both of us had had gone back to my room for the rest of the night and we just spent the rest of the night together talking before the both of us had eventually gone to bed for the night as Remus had held me close to him that night as it put a small smile on my face as I snuggled into him throughout the night.

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