Chapter Nine

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Rosalie’s P.O.V
We finally made it to London and soon got off the train and once we did, I saw Remus standing there waiting for us and It put a smile on my face and both Edeline and I went over to him after saying goodbye to Harry and the others, “hello darling, how are you doing?” I asked him, “I’m fine love. Let’s get home alright.” he said and smiled a little before the three of us managed to make it home that afternoon and when we got home, Remus went straight to our shared room and I furrowed my brows a little, “darling, why don’t you go and unpack your things alright.” I said to her, “alright mum. Is dad alright, he seemed off.” she said and I sighed, “he’s probably just tired.” I said to her before going to our room and saw him sitting on the bed before I closed the door, “darling, what’s wrong?” I asked him as I sat down next to him, “I don’t know, I keep thinking about what had happened that night when we found Peter. It’s been bugging me since I left and I can’t tell you how sorry I am for what I did to you that night and I’m worried about Edeline as I might have scared her because she had to see it all.” he said and I hugged him, “look, none of it was your fault, do you understand. Snape never gave you the potion that night so you had no control for what happened that night alright. I know Edeline will never be scared of you for anything that happened. We both love you more than anything And that will never change. Nothing will change about how we feel about you.” I said to him before he hugged me back, “I love you Remus. More than you know.” I said to him and we stayed like that for a while longer before I had gone to check on Edeline and once I got to her room, I gently knocked on the door, “can I come in love?” I asked her, “yeah.” she said and I opened the door to see that she was reading a book, “what do you want for dinner?” I asked her and she thought about it before answering, “how about pasta.” she said and I smiled at her, “alright, Pasta it is. Do you want to help me?” I said to her and she nodded before putting her book down and the both of us had gone downstairs and started making dinner together and had a few laughs together.

By the time we finally finished cooking dinner, I had taken out the plates before I spoke up, “Edeline, do you mind getting your father for me please and tell him that dinner is ready?” I asked her and she soon left to get him before coming back with him following her, “hey love, how are you feeling?” I asked him, “I’m alright, love. Dinner looks good.” he said and he smiled a little before we all had gotten something to eat and sat together, “besides mine, how were your classes Edeline?” Remus asked her, “they were good. Besides yours, Herbology is my other favorite.” she said and I smiled a little, “I heard Nevill was pretty good in that class.” I mentioned, “yeah he is pretty good. We’ve always been partners for whatever group project we had.” she said to us, “he’s a really nice kid, it sucks that his parents Frank and Alice had gone to but at least he has his grandmother.” I said to them, “that reminds me, what was Uncle James and Aunt Lily like mum. You guys never really talk about him besides when they were mentioned that night.” Edeline said and I sighed a little, “your Uncle James was quite the trouble maker, that’s for sure, that was until he had started dating your Aunt Lily, she definitely changed him although he still did make jokes and did pranks but not as much as he before they had gotten together. He loved you just like he loved Harry, especially Lily, she might have spoiled you and Harry a little after the both of you were born.” I told her as she smiled, “Actually, I think I have a picture of them with you the day you were born, let me look for it.” I said before getting up and looked for the picture before finally finding it and gave it to Edeline, “is that Harry Aunt Lily holding?” she asked and I nodded, “yup, the both of you are a few days apart and if you ever want to look at more pictures, I have a photo album your dad and I have and if you want, you can look through it whenever you feel like it alright.” I told her and she continued to smile, “that sounds nice. Thanks mum.” she said before the three of us continued eating our food before we were done and managed to get everything cleaned up and put away for the night before we had done our own thing for the rest of the night and both Remus and I were in our own room and got changed for the night, “when you were talking about James and Lily with Edeline, I couldn’t help but remember the times we had together before they died.” Remus said and I smiled as I started to remember as well, “they were good times, no matter what we were going through at the time.” I told him before the both of us had gotten into bed, “I miss them both.” Remus said, “you’re not the only one darling. I miss them too and so does Sirius.” I told him, “lets just hope that nothing like that happens again” he said and I sighed a little, “there won’t be any promises because I have no doubt that he would come back to get to Harry.” I said to Remus, “I know.” he said before kissing the top of my head, “do you want me to read to you?” he asked and I smiled at him, “yes please, I like hearing the sound of your voice when I fall asleep.” I said to him before he grabbed a book and began to read and soon enough, I fell asleep in his arms.

It has been about a month since the summer break had started and both Edeline and I were outside planting some flowers in the garden before an owl came around only for it to hit the side of the house, “I think it’s the Weasely’s owl mum. It tends to do that, I remember when Ron had gotten a howler from Mrs. Weasley and the owl ended up doing a crash landing on the table that day.” she said and the both of us laughed a little before we had taken the letter from the owl, “poor thing” I said to it before it stood there and waited, “it’s from Mr. Weasely. I wonder what he could want.” I said to Edeline before opening the letter.

Dear Remus and Rosalie

I am writing to you because I have two extra tickets to the Quidditch World Cup and I wanted to know if Edeline and one of you would like to join us. Harry and Hermione will be joining us as well and we will be meeting up with an old friend of mine that I work with along with his son Cedric. Write back whether or not you are able to come along with us, although I sure do hope that you could as I think we will have a great time with the kids as we will also be camping there for the night as well after the game is over.


Arthur Weasley.

After reading the letter, I had given it to Edeline to read and a smile appeared on her face, “can we go mum, please.” she said as she jumped causing me to laugh, “alright but we have to run this your father first because Mr. Weasley only has two extra tickets to spare alright.” I said to her and she just nodded before rushing inside the house and I soon followed to see that Remus was already reading the letter, “why don’t the two of you go, you guys could use it.” Remus said and I furrowed my brows a little, “what about you darling, it would be nice for Edeline to spend time with you.” I said to him and he sighed a little, “the moon is close and I don’t want to end up changing in front of a large crowd of people.” he mentioned and I sighed a little, “alright then, I’ll go with her. I wish it wasn’t so close to the moon it would be nice for her to have some time with you.” I said to him, “I know darling, I want to be with her more often to.” he said before wrapping his arms around me and the both of us talked about it a little more and told him that there was still some Wolfsbane Potion in the cupboard considering we didn’t have to use much of it this past year because Snape was providing that for him and once we were finished talking, I had gone upstairs to tell Edeline about it, “darling, can I come in?” I asked her after knocking on her bedroom door, “yeah” she said and I soon opened the door to see her reading a book, “are we going?” she asked and I nodded, “I wish dad can go though, it would be nice for him to do stuff like this with us.” she said and I kissed the top of her head, “I know darling, he wishes it to. But other than that, I think you should start packing everything you need before we leave in a couple of days.” I told her and she had quickly done so and I had written back to Mr. Weasley and once I was done, I sent the letter off with his owl before getting my things together before spending my time with both Remus and Edeline as the three of us finished planting the flowers outside and had some fun together as well until the three of us had headed inside for the night and read together as well before going to bed later that night. 

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