Special Chappy - What happened to Lisanna?

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Well, guys it's been a long time! Well then I shall, start the special Chapter!!!!!

Special chapter - What happened to Lisanna?

Normal POV

Three years later. After Ryuu was born, Reisha returned along with Lisanna and disappeared going somewhere (It's in the Sequel or prequel). As Lisanna entered the guild she had her hopes high that Natsu isn't taken, but when she she stepped into the guild she saw everyone with kids.

Gray: Oi! Lisanna is back and her curse is lifted!

Everybody except the kids and The Dragneel family didn't go since the Dragneel family didn't enter arrive yet. The kids looked at her weirdly. There are three kids there, one is Freed and Mira's daughter, Samira. The second is Gray and Juvia's son, Sora. And the last is Gajeel and Levy's son, Haku. The three of them are staring at her.

The happy reunion was ruined when the huge oak doors was slammed. Lisanna saw pink hair, her facial expression became happy. There he is, her Natsu.

Nashi(Natsu and Lucy's son): Ne, papa. Can we go to the Dragon land again? I want to see Grandpapa Igneel! I am so exci--

She was cut off when he saw and odd old lady in the guild. Natsu stared at Lisanna blankly as if this happens a lot of time. Lisanna ran up to Natsu to hug him but what she didn't notice is his daughter and wife. Before she get to hug Natsu Nashi summoned her dragon sword and stopped her.

Nashi: who are you? And what are you going to do with my father? Why can't any human tell that my parents are taken?

Mirajane went behind Lisanna's back and patted her shoulder. Lucy and Nashi was glaring at her.(Lisanna)

Mirajane: oh yeah, we forgot to tell you that, Natsu and Lucy got married years ago and they had a son and daughter. Sorry about that.

Her heart shattered into a million of pieces when she saw the family. She faked smile and went to the bar. The Dragneel family went to the stage.

Natsu: oi! Minna! Our family will be living now in the Dragon Realm! Cuz, now that I am king and my wife is the Queen, I have to train there for a long time and we might just visit you guys. Also Reisha, left some hidden cameras everywhere in this realm, so if you try doing a wrong move one of the members of the highest will be facing you.

Nashi went down the stage to say her goodbyes with the other kids. She was called by Natsu and saw the weird old lady.

Natsu: ah! Lisanna! Meet my children! Nashi and Ryuu!

Lisanna: Konnichiwa.

Lisanna's POV

I knew that this would happened. I saw Natsu and Lucy who carrying a baby coming towards here. He called his daughter and she came.

Natsu: Ah! Lisanna! Meet my children! Nashi and Ryuu!

Lisanna: Konnichiwa

Nashi: hmph, pesky human.

Lucy: Nashi! What did I tell you about your manners!?

Nashi: but mama! She tried to hug papa! I forgot to tell you that Auntie Reisha left some dragon body guards and dragon Secret Service.

I sighed inside, I guess that I should give up, Reisha told me that Zeref's curse was lifted and he was back to normal. I went out of the guild and only to see a man, he have blonde hair, green eyes. I bumped into him.
I fell onto the ground and I saw a hand that reached out.

Man: are you okay? I'm sorry that I bumped into you

Lisanna: *reaches out* I'm okay thanks

Normal POV

After their little accident, the two introduced them selves, the man's name is Alex Hikaori. Autry that they went to a cafe and started to see each other everyday.


Hey guys! This is the final chapter!!!! I hoped that I will have the inspiration to the the prequel and sequel!

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