Welcome to Naruto

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Minna Sorry for the delay, please comment of who you want to pair with Lucy. Actually someone already voted for sting x Lucy so please comment and I'll do it this have a little Neji x Lucy.

Red2344 if you're looking for the Kakashi x Lucy it will be at the next chapter which I'm writing.

Let's get going.

Recap: Lucy returned to fairy tail and sensed Zeref's dark magic it led through a portal then Lucy saw Jellal and they both entered the portal which leaves them unconscious at the other side.

Chapter 3- Welcome to Naruto

Lucy's POV

All I remembered is that me and Jellal went through the portal and fell unconscious there. I woke and I found myself in a strange place then I saw Jellal at a different bed beside me.

Lucy: where am I ?

Female voice: you're in the Konoha Village we found you and you're friend unconscious, say judging from your clothes are you travelers?

Lucy: I don't know all I remember is I went through a portal and found myself in a forest

Female: oh my, my name is Sakura Haruno a medic ninja

Lucy: ninja?, my name is Lucy heartifilia a fairy tail Mage and my friend over there is Jellal Fernandes and a Mage

Sakura: what's a Mage?

Lucy: Mage are people who are born with magic and you say that you're a ninja so I should say that we have a enormous strength of your so called chakra.

Jellal: so you know something about this world huh?

Lucy: so you're awake

Male voice: oi Sakura, the hokage wants to talk to you, you better hur-! Who are these people?!

Sakura: Neji-kun good timing, these people are Lucy and Jellal, and I better take you two along with me

Lucy: you boy with white eyes Neji right?

Neji: m-me?

Lucy: yes you, if you're thinking on picking fights with this guy *points at Jellal* you better pass through me

Neji: of course I'm not going to fight a woman! (She's cute)

Sakura: let's go

Lucy: hn

Sakura, Lucy and Jellal went to the hokage's office.

Knock! Knock!

Female voice: come in

Sakura: you called me?

Female voice: yeah and you brought friends

Sakura: we just found them at the forest after the battle with Deidara her name is Lucy and this man's name is Jellal they said that they're from a different world called earth land

Female: my name is Tsunade I'm the hokage of this village and you said that you came from earth land maybe you might know Makarov Dreyar

Lucy: how do you know our master ?

Tsunade: so you know him, here *gives a lacrima to Lucy *, we were old friends

Lucy: I'll try to call master

In fairy tail

Natsu: where the heck is Lucy?, I want to battle her!

Gray: you ash brain she might went to a mission

Lucy's sweet RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now