Special Chapter OVA

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Good Morning People! This is just only a special Chapter for Stinglu Fans, For other shippers who Doesn't Like Stinglu do not worry after five chapters I will update a Nalu [FYI: I won't count the finalists but turn it into a percentage cuz my brain is exploding after counting it all and some projects] Also in this story Laxus, Rufus, Minerva and Lucy aren't related.

Let's begin!

Special Chapter- Stinglu!

Normal POV 5:32 pm.

Lucy was walking at the guild halls finding missions, then suddenly Sting entered the guild with his cocky attitude making some people irritated who eyed every detail of Lucy. 'Her perfect curves, her beautiful face, smooth hair and her angelic smile, she's perfect!' He thought as he stared at her.

Sting's POV

I glued my eyes at 'her' without caring about the world, I was about to move near her when the annoying salamander approached her "Hey Luce, do you wanna go on a mission with us?" As her grabbed her hands. 'Does he know that he was touching my Lucy! My Lucy!' I growled under my breathe.

Lucy shooked her head then walked out of the guild, I followed where she went and it lead me to her house I hid at the bush. I heard her yelled ''Tadaima!'' She lived on her own right? ''Okaerinasai Luce, I thought you were late today?" A deep voice asked her 'what the fudge! Who is she talking to!? Who is that man?!' She went inside the house then I lept out of the bush then rang the bell of her house, I heard the door clicked and saw a blonde boy around her age, he was wearing a navy blue t-shirt and a white pants.

"Who are you?" He asked.


"Who are you?" I asked the boy around my age and nee-san.

"My name is Sting Eucliffe and I'm a friend if Lucy" he gave me a flashy grin.

"Ah, my name Is Luke Heartifillia, Lucy-nee-san's twin brother, it's nice too meet you, if you're looking for her she's in her room" I told him. 'So he's the Sting that nee-san speaks of'

Flashback :

"Ne Luke?" I looked at nee-san


"Promise me, that you will never tell anyone about this"-Lucy

"What is it?"-me

"You know Sting right? So here's the deal whenever I'm near him my chest feels so warm and my tummy feels like there are butterflies in it"

"Baka, nee-chan! It means love, you love him that's why" I hugged her and she hugged me back. "Arigato, Luke, for listening I felt lighter now" I let go of her and gave her a grin.

Flash back end.

"Arigato!" Sting-san ran up to her room.

Lucy's POV

I removed my t-shirt and was about to change into a new one when the door opened and it revealed "Sting! What are you doing here?!" I blushed because I was shirtless which leaved me with my bra, he also blushed then turned his face into a serious one, he closed the door then walked up to me. He put his hands on my shoulders "S-sting!?".

"Lucy, please don't hate me when I said this to you."-Sting

"W-what do you me-?" I was cut of by a kiss then he let go.

"I love you Lucy, will you be my mate?" My eyes widen 'he loved me?' then I answered "Yes, I loved you for so long already" the two of us kissed again but passionately.

"Nee-chan, I have a date tonight I will be back tomorrow!" Luke shouted then closed the door of the house.

"Where were we?" Stingy-bee purred

Then we kissed again.

Special chapter end.

Sorry if it's short and I don't wanna make it into a lemon so....

Please wait for the next chapter.

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