Go on with the Love story

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Oh my Gosh, when I was listening all about us ft. Owl City by he is we ,I was thinking about Stinglu/StiCy ahhh soooo cuute.

Sting - 26

Natsu - 18

Zeref - 12

Rogue - 11

Gray - 10

Sasuke - 5

Inuyasha - 4

Cobra - 2

Jellal - 2

Midnight - 2

Soul - 2

Kakashi - 1

Rin - 1

Chirichiri - 1


Addictedtoanime127: the ones in the finals are Sting, Natsu, Zeref, Rogue and Gray.

Natsu: why no one told me it's a race?

Me: wahahahaha Sting is still leading that means I finished my romantic part for the fans of Stinglu.!

Natsu: no fair, just cuz he's perfect for her doesn't mean that he will win!

Gray: wahahaha that's the first time I heard flame brain like that

Natsu: what did you just call me Ice princess

Erza & Lucy: can you please shut up!

Zeref: awesome

Me: *anime sweatdrop* Lucy do the disclaimer cuz I have a good feeling if you do it

Lucy: animeaddict127 doesn't own Fairy Tail maybe OCs cuz I donno when I she going to put OCs except for Reisha.

Me: thank you Lucy well I better hurry cuz I'm excited about the romantic part heheheh

We'll see ya later!


Chapter 8 - Go on with the love story

In earthland year X793 and in earth November 3 [sting: skip that sh**]

Normal POV

today is Lucy and Sting's first day at school.

With Lucy...

Amu: cy-ucy-lucy! Nee-san!

Lucy: ah I'm awake!

Amu: Sting-niisan is already waiting downstairs and he's at the same class as ours.

Lucy: eh okay.

Lucy took a bathe then Amu next after that they both wore their school uniform and ate breakfast then the three of them ran to the school.

After 15 minutes Later

Amu: huff-we're early

Lucy: never broke a sweat

Sting: me neither

The Nikaidou-sensei went out of the classroom.

Nikaidou-sensei: Ah, miss Amu are these your sister and cousin?

Amu: yes, they are

Nikaidou-sensei: you may go to your seats

Amu and the teacher went in the classroom.

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